View Full Version : Could this be a symptom of the VORTEX????

John Keeton
10-10-2009, 4:32 PM
I admit to a weakness for wood, and tools, and.. well, you get the idea. Since my new found fondness (read weakness??) for the round world, the supply of 4/4 and 8/4 wood I have now seems so insufficient?!!?:o

My stash has very little large stock, and I found myself needing to glue up stock to get a full set of walnut legs.

So, I called a source that a fellow creeker had provided last year, and drove about 70 miles out in the country.

$223 changed hands, and I came home with this load of air dried walnut and cherry. Most of it is walnut, 16/4, and all of it is well over 20 years old.
129776 129777
My only concern is that the 4x4 stuff is mostly the heart of the log, and I have found that portion of a log to be unstable. However, as dry as this is, I think it will be OK. Thoughts??

Bernie Weishapl
10-10-2009, 4:37 PM
Great looking load of wood John. Yep I would say you stumbled and fell into the black hole John.

Gary Herrmann
10-10-2009, 4:57 PM
Nice haul, John. You've got some good box stock there.

Steve Schlumpf
10-10-2009, 5:07 PM
Congrats on the wood John! As for your question regarding the heart of the log - I would think that after all this time it would be fairly stable. Just be aware that while you turn, any number of different stresses are released from within the wood - so you just never know for sure. Great looking wood that should make for some nice boxes and if you are feeling adventurous - some beautiful vases! Have fun!

Alan Tolchinsky
10-10-2009, 5:08 PM
Oh yes John, you're sick. Very sick. And I'd love to have some of that wood. I've been looking everywhere around Raleigh for that and it's nowhere to be found. Congrats. Alan

Mike Golka
10-10-2009, 5:40 PM
I hear that wooshing sound again........

Jack Mincey
10-10-2009, 5:57 PM
I think you might need a Parachute. The hole is deep but it has a lot of good people in it, so you won't be lonely. Nice haul of wood by the way.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-10-2009, 6:02 PM
John..... none of us are addicted and anyone of us can quit when we want to....:rolleyes:

Nice haul!

Ted Calver
10-10-2009, 6:05 PM
Hmmm...some pepper mills hiding in there too!!! Very nice haul.

Eugene Wigley
10-10-2009, 7:51 PM
John, congrats on the wood. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

curtis rosche
10-10-2009, 9:15 PM
you are gonna have one hell of a time with 20yr dryed walnut. has the potential to be hard as stone

Jim Underwood
10-10-2009, 9:22 PM
Uh oh. You now have the addiction so bad that you're spending money on wood.:p

You can ameliorate the cost somewhat if you realize that turning wood grows on trees (yep, I know it's hard to believe, but it's true!). :D Keep your eyes open for downed trees in your neighborhood. Invest in a chainsaw, and no one's trees will be safe anymore. Best of all, for the cost of saw maintenance, you can get lots of free wood, that's even thicker than you got from that trip, and of great character.

Jim Underwood
10-10-2009, 9:24 PM
John..... none of us are addicted and anyone of us can quit when we want to....:rolleyes:

Nice haul!

Operative word being "want".

Who'd wanna quit something so fun, and so legal?;)

gary Zimmel
10-10-2009, 9:57 PM
Looks like a nice haul of wood John.

I think you should send me some of it to keep this new addiction in check:D

John Keeton
10-10-2009, 10:52 PM
Keep your eyes open for downed trees in your neighborhood. Invest in a chainsaw, and no one's trees will be safe anymore.Jim, I am very fortunate to not live in a neighborhood, and even more fortunate to own a chainsaw!!:D Just haven't gotten to the bowl/hollow form thing yet. We had a cherry tree go down last year, and the forked stump is still down in the back, with dirt still on the roots. I know there are treasures in there...maybe someday.

Right now, I am really enjoying this spindle turning, though, and I have already laid out some of those walnut pieces for a set of legs. Tomorrow I hope to get them squared up, and start working on a pattern!!

Curtis, I put a meter on the walnut, and it is about 9.5%, which is about right for our weather over the last few weeks. But, I think it will be OK to turn. I ran a plane across it, and it seems to yield to the blade.

Gary, I told you, you and Geri need to come for a visit and bring some empty suitcases!

Thanks everyone, for dragging me into the abyss!!;):D

alex carey
10-11-2009, 6:31 AM
good looking wood, looking forward to what you make.

phil harold
10-11-2009, 8:05 AM
That is a classic symptom of Wooditis

The disease is aggravated by the vortex and larger pieces of wood will continue to appear in the bed of the truck.

As this condition progresses and you need to get a class 'A' CDL to get your wood home.

At that time, seek professional help…

Ken Fitzgerald
10-11-2009, 8:59 AM
You folks are really wasting your time talking to John.....he's too busy involved in his new addiction to read and he can't hear a thing for that horrendous "sucking" sound of the Vortex!:rolleyes:

Jim Underwood
10-11-2009, 9:39 PM
That's interesting. I find most folks don't like spindle turning very much. I do. It's a challenge to come up with a flowing design with elements of good proportion and flow. And then duplicate that same patter on four or more spindles....:cool:

I also like turning utilitarian items for my own use. I get a lot of satisfaction from making stuff like wooden covers for the wire handles on my plastic buckets when the plastic has cracked off. Durn things were a pain when you carried them. The wood handles are so much more comfortable!