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View Full Version : PC 890 with Rockler lift FX or Milwaukee 5625

Eddie Johnston
10-10-2009, 11:35 AM
Hi everyone,
My wife is "surprising" me with a new router setup for my birthday. This will be dropped into a table and rarely see handheld use. I had just about pulled the trigger on the PC 890 fixed based with Rockler's router lift FX. Then I started thinking about it and realized for the money I could pick up Milwaukee's big boy 3 1/2 hp. I'm strickly a weekend warrior, but am going to try my hand at building my kitchen cabinets.
What do you guys think? PC 890 with the lift or Milwaukee without one??

Fred Hargis
10-10-2009, 11:43 AM
For me only: The 5625 is such a hands down winner, it's a no brainer.

Brad Townsend
10-10-2009, 2:18 PM
For me, it would depend on the ease of height adjustment with the Milwaukee and no lift. It will certainly give you more power, but I have used the 890/FX combination for several years and have yet to find anything it would not do for lack of power. But then, this is occasional use. I'm not running a production shop. The convenience of the lift is a priority for me. Tough choice?

Tom Esh
10-10-2009, 3:29 PM
I have the 890 in my table and I really can't see where a lift would provide any advantage. Both the clamp and height adjuster are accessible through the base and it has plenty of extension for above-table bit changes. (I think the Milwaukee is designed to work as it's own lift too.) With either one I'd skip the lift - at least initially. You can always add one later and if not, you'll have more $$ for bits. The 890 works fine for me, but if I were spinning 3" panel raisers all day a big honkin' router (like the Milwaukee) would be a good choice.

Eduard Nemirovsky
10-10-2009, 3:32 PM
I like my 5625, but I would add a lift to it.

Joe Scharle
10-10-2009, 3:47 PM
I've had my 5625 for 4-5 years and never felt a need for a lift. I don't even use the above table wrench that came with it. My method of work is to adjust the bits from eye level, so the knob is more convenient for me.

Eddie Johnston
10-11-2009, 12:12 AM
Thanks everyone, this is a tough one.

Great name....Why would you add a lift on your 5625? Is the adjustment system not as good as everyone says?? From the pasts I've read, it seems like you don't need one.

glenn bradley
10-11-2009, 2:18 AM
I ran my 5625 without a lift for quite awhile. When Woodpecker's PRL V2 came out the original went on sale and I got one for a good price. Otherwise, like Joe I would probably still be running it without. Tons of power, electronic feedback for constant torque under load at any speed setting, massive chuck structure, etc. If mine vanished, I would order a replacement in a heartbeat without any need to shop around. Like the old commercial said . . . "ask an owner".