View Full Version : Gloat number two for the day

Mike Mastin
09-21-2004, 7:08 PM
Well I went to pick up the new Battleship Curly Woods this afternoon and noticed that the guy had an almost new 3HP Sunhill shaper with 1HP 4 speed power feed sit there in the corner, next to an very recent vintage Onieda 7.5HP commercial cyclone system with at least 200 feet of spiral pipe and way more blast gates, wyes, laterals, elbows etc(all from Onieda as they had their stickers plastered all over the fittings and spiral pipe) than I could have imagined needing. He asked if I was interested in the shaper, which I really wasn't, but I thought what the heck. I offered him $500.00 for the shaper, bits and power feed. He said no but he would take $750 for the shaper, power feed and the entire Onieda dust collection system!!!!!!!!!!!! Now me thinking that I must have misunderstood what he had just oofered I asked him to please repeat that offer again. It was on the truck/trailer along with the Battleship before the ink had dried on my check :)

I noticed that the shaper (a CT-102 from Sunhill Machinery) retails for $1600.00 and have no idea what the 4-speed 1HP power feed would cost, but it is surely worth $300-$400.00 I figured. Now what is the cost of a new Onieda with the filter cartridges running right now and of course there is all of the spiral pipe and fittings too :D

Oh my God I felt like I had just hit oil! Sorry, but I have never had the opportunity to truly gloat, but I think that this one might just quality....

Gary Max
09-21-2004, 7:11 PM
Pics----we need pics
Great buy

Chris Padilla
09-21-2004, 7:11 PM
Okay, pic police is here...NO MORE FROM YOU UNTIL PICS ACCOMPANY!!!!! C'mon, you are making all of us ill...very, very, very ill........... :mad:

Jim Becker
09-21-2004, 8:13 PM
Hubba hubba hubba! He shops...he scores!!! But you've reached your limit...three biggies in one day...and without pictures, to boot. Sheesh!

Mike Mastin
09-21-2004, 8:20 PM
...to bring up the digital camera this evening, but she is not feeling great. She has had another setback, now with her liver enzymes. She has to see a liver specialist on Friday. She has had a rough year, but she is still fighting on. She is my inspiration.

Jim Becker
09-21-2004, 8:23 PM
Sorry to hear that, Mike. In all seriousness, that's more important than the pictures. I hope your wife gets back to feeling well soon.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-21-2004, 8:52 PM
Nice score Mike! You and yours will be in our thoughts and prayers!

09-21-2004, 11:00 PM
Sorry to hear about your wife. Hope she feels better soon.

What a score on the equipment. The shaper is nice but the "to boot" DC system was the big score. I just purchased a Woodsucker Cyclone plus a relatively small amount of ductwork from a local company so I know how they can strain a tool budget. An Oneida 2 HP cyclone and the ductwork it could support would probably cost around 3 grand. That monster cyclone is over $3000 and the ductwork would probably cost at least the same.

SCORE!, Big time.

Charles McKinley
09-21-2004, 11:04 PM
Hi Mike,

Great scores for the business. I'm sorry to hear about your wife's setback. I thought of her when I saw your post. You both are in our prayers.

Jim Becker
09-22-2004, 8:37 AM
An Oneida 2 HP cyclone and the ductwork it could support would probably cost around 3 grand.
Actually, the 2hp Commercial system sells for slightly more that a grand, depending on options and it "hauls"... http://www.oneida-air.com/pdf/system%20price%20sheet%202004.pdf

Jon Olson
09-22-2004, 9:07 AM
Great gloat story. It was an opportunity buy and you made the play.....play poker?? It sounds like you didn't have a great poker face...:)

"Now me thinking that I must have misunderstood what he had just oofered I asked him to please repeat that offer again."

Your shop will love you for the new DC system.

Jason Roehl
09-22-2004, 9:13 AM
So, Mike, to make you feel better about the guy raising the price on you, I'll make up the difference. I'll give you $250 to get that piece of junk Oneida cyclone off your hands. I'll even come get it. :D

Nice score, and we do hope your wife gets better; she is in our thoughts and prayers.

Mike Mastin
09-22-2004, 9:44 AM
I know that she will appreciate the thoughts and prayers as much as I do. She is incredible to me.

Martin Lutz
09-22-2004, 9:58 AM
Mike, sorry to hear about your wife. You both will be in our prayers.

nice score with the DC!

Dan Gill
09-22-2004, 10:16 AM
Great buys on the tools, Mike. I'll keep you and your wife in my prayers. My son's new mother-in-law has just come through a solid year of chemotherapy with several months of radiation thrown in. Her prognosis was very bad, but she is doing well now and has responded better than could have been expected to the therapy.

My middle son also went through radiation for a malignant tumor when he was 15. He, too did better than the doctors expected and is still cancer free two years later. Prayer helps.

Chad Young
09-22-2004, 1:49 PM
Nice score Mike. Now the only problem with your busy schedule is finding time to setup everything. Also please let your wife know that she is in my thoughts and prayers.


Mike Mastin
09-22-2004, 6:36 PM
Here is a link to some photos of the recent tool purchase. I did not get a chance to photograph the DC system yet, as it is not as impressive in pieces as it is once it all assembled :D


Jerry Olexa
09-22-2004, 7:39 PM
That is a SUPER Gloat!!! Great haul but more important is your wife's health. We will pray for her.

Jim Becker
09-22-2004, 7:58 PM
Here is a link to some photos of the recent tool purchase. I did not get a chance to photograph the DC system yet, as it is not as impressive in pieces as it is once it all assembled
Sweet! Very nice equipment. That jointer is Loooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg, too.:) :) :)

BTW, we like pictures of DC pieces, too, Mike. :D

Mike Mastin
09-22-2004, 8:24 PM



The photos just don't do justice to the DC system or for that matter the jointer or the shaper. The shaper looks almost brand new other than a soft drink ring where some idiot sat a can down! :mad: I am still amazed by how little use these tools have had, judging from their condition. No shots of all the new pipe and fittings yet. They are all stacked up in the "Garage Mahal woodshop", awaiting the huge rearrange to fit all of the new stuff into their new locations. The spiral pipe in the background of the photos is old pipe that I had left over from the original installation last year.

Chris Padilla
09-23-2004, 11:05 AM
Wow...what a massive jointer...I have one of those...in a box...hmmm, gotta get it out of the box so I can drool, too...this weekend...this weekend!! :D :D

mike lucas
09-23-2004, 11:06 AM
Are you going to switch the motor out on the cyclone? Or do you have 3 phase? Maybe a phase convertor?
Nice kill on the machinery.

Mike Mastin
09-23-2004, 11:08 AM
:D We are in a commercial location so three phase is not a problem :-)

Chris Padilla
09-23-2004, 11:18 AM
Another Wow!! Rob "NEC/3-phase" Russell is now clutching his stomach and writhing in pain! :D Is that SAC 3-phase, Mike? You can get so many good, cheap machines because of 3-phase motors. A DC running on 3-phase *IS* the way to go if you are starting and stopping it all the time. Not so easy in a residential electrical grid.

I'm still considering make the call to PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric) and get a good laugh at the cost to bring 3-phase into my house! :D

Mike Mastin
09-23-2004, 11:30 AM

Yes all of the tools are three phase as they were designed for commercial use.

Dennis Peacock
09-23-2004, 11:47 AM
Another Wow!! Rob "NEC/3-phase" Russell is now clutching his stomach and writhing in pain! :D Is that SAC 3-phase, Mike? You can get so many good, cheap machines because of 3-phase motors. A DC running on 3-phase *IS* the way to go if you are starting and stopping it all the time. Not so easy in a residential electrical grid.

I'm still considering make the call to PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric) and get a good laugh at the cost to bring 3-phase into my house! :D

To get 3-phase to my house? Only 3/4 of a mile away is 3 phase power. Total cost to get it to my shop? $20,371.64 Mere "Chicken Scratch"!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Needless to say....I'm sticking with single phase power. :rolleyes:

Mike Mastin
09-23-2004, 12:04 PM
........I would use three phase power tools. Phase converters seem like a bandaid at best and big expense to use the three phase tools in a home shop.
The main difference to my way of thinking is that 3 phase motors are so much cheaper to replace compared to single phase motors. I called the other day to get a new 3HP single phase TEFC motor for our Powermatic DC system and they told me that a motor like that would be in the neighborhood of $600.00! I then called Powermatic to inquire about getting the replacement Tiawanese motor, but even that was $550.00! Three phase motors are way cheaper and more economical to run as well.

Chris Padilla
09-23-2004, 12:08 PM

All that sounds great but I've asked this question before, why don't residential homes have 3-phase power available? Why do we only have a single phase to work with? Commercial gets 3-phase but typically not residential....

Mike Mastin
09-23-2004, 1:05 PM
It would make too much sense to allow consumers to use less power each month ;)

Byron Trantham
09-23-2004, 1:36 PM
Great Haul!!! :D

Tell your wife we're thining of her.

Mark J Bachler
09-23-2004, 1:44 PM
I bought a new Steff 1 hp, 4 roller 4 speed, power feeder about 6 months ago & paid $980. for it. That was the best deal I could find anywhere around. The deal is getting sweeter all the time isn't it.

Roger Fitzsimonds
09-23-2004, 1:49 PM
great tool gloat Mike thoseare some impressive tools. Your wife and family are in our prayers also.
