View Full Version : A few hammers I made

Pete Schupska
10-09-2009, 8:02 PM
So this counts double for me... making a hand tool with hand tools. I was too cheap to buy a couple of hammers for general beatery. The brass one I made in college for work on one of our race cars... not damaging parts and such, it's simple brass hex stock milled out. Now it's relegated to some of the nastier pounding. The brass head is about a 24oz... so it's got a lot of weight on a short handle.

The wood one I made just after graduation because I was too poor a deadblow and needed something to help build the first workbench. The head is laminated one by oak, and the handle has a locking dovetail and shaped by hand. The whole mess was made with nothing more than a hobby rasp and inherited back saw.

Who would have thought these are still one of the first things I reach for...

Matt Stiegler
10-11-2009, 8:48 PM
Nice work, Pete. I sure wish I'd spent my time in college half as productively.