View Full Version : I shouldn't have done this......

John Keeton
10-08-2009, 5:32 PM
As some of you know, I am new to the round world, and recently got a cheap lathe to do legs, etc. for my furniture projects. So far, I have viewed the lathe as just a tool to "mill" one more component for a particular piece of furniture.

I brought down some walnut (favorite wood!) from the barn for a table I want to build. My thought is to do the legs and top in walnut, with curly maple aprons and some walnut accents.

Given that I had only turned some pine and poplar for practice, I knew I needed quite a bit of practice on walnut before getting serious about this table.

Took the hatchet and split out a piece from some scrap, and did a few coves and beads. The walnut was sweet to turn - so much better than the pine and poplar! My next thought was, "I bet this will finish out nice."

I sanded it, and applied a little BLO, burnished it with some chips from the turning, applied a couple coats of shellac very quickly, and then some paste wax - total time for turning and finish probably 20 minutes.
This ain't much for you guys, but for a flat worker like me, this is really exciting!! I love walnut, and now I love ROUND walnut!!:D

I shouldn't have done this.... :eek: I feel a strange spinning feeling....could this be the VORTEX??!!??

Mike Spanbauer
10-08-2009, 5:34 PM
Uh oh... hear that sound John? That's the vortex and resist all you want, you'll soon find yourself hopelessly caught.

Walnut is one of my favorites too!

Steve Schlumpf
10-08-2009, 5:39 PM
John - you were warned because it has happened to all of us! Something about having a finished product in hand in just a few minutes sure is nice for a change! It does get addicting and the more you 'practice' - the more you are hooked!

Welcome to the Vortex!

Brendan McAreavy
10-08-2009, 6:00 PM
John, you are doomed....doooooooooomed I tell you.


Ed Sallee
10-08-2009, 6:17 PM
Well, I'm a box guy and totally understand where John is coming from.... I've been tempted to get this square peg to fit in to a round hole.... as I sure have enough scraps laying around to be made in to something! Ebony, Cocobolo, the list goes on and on.... I just don't know what to make with it.

This is going to be interesting, John! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Mark Hubl
10-08-2009, 6:34 PM

Beware...a tight fitting mt joint is so satisfying....four miters without a gap, a thing of wonderment and a good self tap on the back....but beware of the vortex! Square can seem like, well square! Beware John.

Tony De Masi
10-08-2009, 6:44 PM
John, I warned you earlier that you only THINK that you will only do spindle for your furniture work. Although what you have shown us with the walnut is a pretty good piece of work, I have a feeling that you will be giving away some bowls for Christmas this year.

Ah yes, the sucking sound has doomed another.............


alex carey
10-08-2009, 6:53 PM
YOUR IN and theres no getting out.

Chris Stolicky
10-08-2009, 6:56 PM
Ah yes, the sucking sound has doomed another.............



...and many, many, many others....

Ken Fitzgerald
10-08-2009, 7:03 PM
We honestly forgot to tell you something John. Pine and poplar are great practice woods because they are cheap and readily available. But....hardwoods are actually easier to turn and are prettier and more fun....

Welcome to the Vortex John!

Once you can get a good clean cut on pine or poplar, usually walnut...any hardwood will turn even better. Oak and it's coarse grain can be a little more challenging but it's the nature of oak.

Turning can be the closest thing to instant gratification!

Curt Fuller
10-08-2009, 8:10 PM
"You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave"

John Keeton
10-08-2009, 8:15 PM
Like I told Mike in the thread he started...you guys are like drug pushers!!!!
You're evil, I tell you - you all are!!

I refuse to get sucked in, I refuse to get......



Jim Underwood
10-08-2009, 8:40 PM
The moment you realize the gratification from turning is quicker than flat work, it's all over....:D

Dick Strauss
10-08-2009, 10:04 PM
You've crossed the event horizon...now there is no turning back!

Steve Bistritz
10-08-2009, 10:18 PM
John, you are doomed....doooooooooomed I tell you.


Yes, so dooomed, but its ok. We enjoy the company!!!!!!!!!!!!!;):D:D

Bernie Weishapl
10-08-2009, 11:22 PM
Yes John that is the sucking sound of the black hole in the vortex. No way out and no light at the end. :eek:;):rolleyes::cool:

Congrats John. That is some nice turning. You will find walnut, maple and cherry are a dream to turn.

phil harold
10-09-2009, 7:23 AM
I refuse to get sucked in,

Resistance is futile

10-09-2009, 7:35 AM
That is one fine custom bonker you have there.
Keep up the great work.


Rob Cunningham
10-09-2009, 8:11 AM
Face it John, you're past the point of no return. Nice looking beads and cove. Good luck with the table legs.

Rusty Smith
10-09-2009, 10:20 AM
Looks like you have one leg made already. Make three duplicates and you're in biddness....:D

Walt Caza
10-09-2009, 2:31 PM
Hi John,
.....abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
have fun,

ps none can resist the vortex...

Bruce Shiverdecker
10-10-2009, 12:15 AM
When you start puttong out work like that, YOU HAVE already slipped into the VORTEX.

Don't worry, we keep a safety net around in case it's needed.
