View Full Version : The LV pipeline

Matt Stiegler
10-08-2009, 9:02 AM
Rob Lee posted this this morning on another site:

"Well.... the next plane is stainless steel... and will sell for under $30 (for now)... and will be the subject of an email special in a few weeks, not to mention the main subject of the full Christmas catalog customer letter...I'm writing that one today...

Also due end of this month is a newly designed spill plane....

We also have detail rabbet planes (set of 3) close - but won't make the Christmas catalogue. They may also be the subject of an email offer....

After Christmas - we have our sliding tail vise coming out of pre-production, along with R+L skew rabbet block planes (with adjustable mouth, and fence)...

Much more on way... we've been keeping busy!"

RickT Harding
10-08-2009, 9:47 AM
"Honey! Where's my wallet?!" :D

Michael Schwartz
10-08-2009, 11:41 PM
o great more stuff to add on to my next order for "hardware and shop consumables"