View Full Version : F-22 Depron Plane

Anthony Scira
10-07-2009, 10:06 PM
Well I filled the gaps with lightweight filler that needs to be sanded. But I can't wait to get it in the air.

This was a Dave Powers / Scott Lott design. I bought the PDF plans and traced them in Corel to do the cutting.

But now that I have the basics of the depron down I have a couple designs of my own I am gonna try.

These being copyrighted plans I can't share the file. :(

The video makes you want to build one !

Randy Digby
10-07-2009, 11:08 PM
Cool aircraft. They build the real ones about 30 minutes from the house. Love it when they come over low on checkout flights. Good luck with yours.

Gary Nicholls
10-08-2009, 12:27 AM
That is really cool. Where can you buy the plans from? I would like to build one of those. Thanks.


John W. Love
10-08-2009, 12:34 AM
The plans look very reasonable. might be kinda fun to build. Not quite sure how much all the electronics would run for it, but would make a fun hobby for sure.


Anthony Scira
10-08-2009, 10:37 AM
The electronics are pretty cheap now. You can get kits ready to fly in the 200 dollar range. The only thing I suggest is you get a good name brand transmitter/receiver that has rechargeable batteries (Airtronics/Futaba) since these will be items you will use for a long time and worth spending a little extra.

They have a free Sukoi PDF plan you can print out and play around with on the RC powers website. If you make it out of EPP foam you have a GREAT trainer that is pretty indestructible.

Anthony Scira
10-08-2009, 3:05 PM
Here are my tracings of the free plan they offer. Give it a whirl !

As a note if you have had to cut the tail into 2 pieces to fit my table. Since the whole plane is held together with hot glue I figured an extra seam would not be a big deal.

Actually its an Extra 300 ! Sorry for you Sukoi lovers !


Brian Robison
10-08-2009, 3:47 PM
Can you change it to V12 or earlier?

Bill Parker
10-08-2009, 3:53 PM
Here it is in V 10.

Scott M Smith
10-08-2009, 10:54 PM
That is cool!

Nick Napier
10-09-2009, 7:48 PM
I'm working on a coroplast autogyro kit. Haven't worked out all the bugs yet. The F-22 flys very well may have to try that.


Bill Cunningham
10-10-2009, 8:00 PM
I'm working on a coroplast autogyro kit. Haven't worked out all the bugs yet. The F-22 flys very well may have to try that.


Are you cutting the coroplast on the laser? I never get a clean cut on that stuff.. The vertical pieces inside don't always seem to cut through, and if you boost the power way up, (or slow down) it just burns bad..