View Full Version : Problem: Too Much Wood

Rick Hutcheson
10-05-2009, 1:13 PM
Well I just made it home with another load of walnut. And there is this much or more to pick up again next week. How can a person catch up with the wood pile when I am already turning an average of 6 bowls a day now.
Here is what I had and the new load.

alex carey
10-05-2009, 1:15 PM
wow that is a lot of wood, nice haul.

Brian Brown
10-05-2009, 1:20 PM
[QUOTE=Rick Hutcheson;1228587]Well I just made it home with another load of walnut. And there is this much or more to pick up again next week. QUOTE]

You suck man, you just suck! :D I have so much wood around, that SWMBO has banned me from bringing home anything but walnut. There is no walnut around here. Everytime she sees me looking at a tree sombody is cutting, she says " is it walnut, if not, just keep on driving". I may never get more wood. :(

Kyle Iwamoto
10-05-2009, 1:34 PM
I agree. You suck.....

How can you possibly complain about too much wood?:)

Dennis McGarry
10-05-2009, 2:13 PM
How can a person catch up with the wood pile when I am already turning an average of 6 bowls a day now.

Thats an easy question to answer! I will drive up and allow use of any and every square inch of my car to "help" you catch up.....


Nice haul!

Steve Mawson
10-05-2009, 2:45 PM
My truck is not busy right now if you run out of room. You make me green:D

Rick Hutcheson
10-05-2009, 3:09 PM
If any of you are by this way stop by and I can probably find some wood to send home with you. Wood seems to be easy to find for me, I just know too many people I guess. My problem is I can't always get the kind I want. Like right now I wish half of the pile was cherry, hackberry, mulberry, or maybe even some more ash. But some will show up sooner or later.
Steve, my brother lives by Lincoln, Nehawka, and has lots of timber. I bet he could keep you filled up with wood, he burns wood but a few logs now and then I doubt he would miss with 160 acres.

Leo Graywacz
10-05-2009, 3:30 PM
Turn faster

Bill Bolen
10-05-2009, 5:35 PM
gotta agree...turn faster or drop it off here and I will help...Bill oh BTW

Bernie Weishapl
10-05-2009, 6:15 PM
Congrats on quite a haul. That ought to keep you busy for a day or two or maybe 3.:eek::cool::rolleyes:

Ryan Baker
10-05-2009, 7:44 PM
<to self> calculating how much fuel it will take to drive a big Ryder truck to Iowa ...


Steve Schlumpf
10-05-2009, 7:44 PM
Rick - you are funny! Something about one man's problems - another man's.... Hey, whatever.... you got some great looking wood there and I am looking forward to seeing what you turn out of it!

Glenn Weathington
10-05-2009, 8:09 PM
Hey Rick, have you thought about processing some of that wood for an exchange of some kind? Heck, you could even sell some or give it away, recipient pays for shipping.

Jeff Nicol
10-06-2009, 7:31 AM
Well lets see...........Since I have had loads of things like yours in the past and will in the future, turning it all by your self is a tough feat! I give away, sell, donate, trade, or what ever it takes to spread the bounty of an over abundance of wood! It is always nice to get e-mails and requests for wood from others who share the passion of woodworking/turning! Seeing the smile on the face of someone who stops in the shop for a chat and leaving with a box full of wood is a great thing! Making a few bucks here and there by selling it at a fair to cheap price to be able to buy a new gouge or a bunch of sandpaper is a bonus too! So have fun and get busy doing something with it, as the checking is starting as I write this!


Chris Stolicky
10-06-2009, 10:23 AM
Kind of carrying on what Jeff said....

Here are a couple of thing you can consider if you are looking for some ideas:

If you are a member of a local turning group there are many options:
- First, you might be able to get some help preparing the wood. I know that have volunteered locally to do some back breaking work in exchange for some wood.
- You could bring some to a meeting and either give it away, sell it cheap, or donate it towards a raffle to benefit the club.
- Or, just get turning and don't stop for about a month or so.

Congrats by the way.

Joseph M Lary
10-06-2009, 1:50 PM
Maybe we could do a wood swap ,I have some boxelder trees to take down for a friend . I go see my Kid in Iowa City a few times a year . we could talk trading .

Rick Hutcheson
10-06-2009, 3:23 PM
Maybe we could do a wood swap ,I have some boxelder trees to take down for a friend . I go see my Kid in Iowa City a few times a year . we could talk trading .

I am sure we can work something out. I am right on your way just off I80. Will send you a PM.

George Morris
10-06-2009, 3:42 PM
Well I have tons of cherry, If you drive to PA with a load of walnut I will fill you up with cherry? G

Rick Hutcheson
10-06-2009, 3:47 PM
PA is a little far to drive for wood. But I would sure like to find some cherry.

George Morris
10-06-2009, 4:10 PM
Are you sure we have some of the best black cherry in the country! I will eaven put you up for a few days or more. G

Rick Hutcheson
10-06-2009, 4:31 PM
Let's see. 17 hours 30 minutes / 1085.81 miles Fuel Cost: $192.69

And that is one way!