View Full Version : 2004 CSBBQ Pics

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-20-2004, 7:28 PM
Angie manged to get my pictures developed today, so I wanted to share them with ya'll. (I learned that word while in Arky-Saw!) :D I managed to forget my digital camera.....thought it was in the camera bag, but nope.....so I had my 35MM pics develped to pic CD. (It wouldn't be a trip if ya didn't forget SOMETHING, would it?) ;)

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-20-2004, 7:31 PM
More pictures from Terry's GREAT BBQ! :D

Chris Padilla
09-20-2004, 7:40 PM
Ah, so it was Kevin who took the second Steve Clardy look-alike pic! Cool...we could have some fun captioning some of these pics. I see Terry Q. holding his pop can and, uh, pointing interestingly.... :)

Steve Clardy
09-20-2004, 8:15 PM
Cool. Thanks Kev. Wondered where that second pic was of my brother Chris!!!!

Dan Stuewe
09-20-2004, 8:21 PM
I see Terry Q. holding his pop can and, uh, pointing interestingly.... :)

Actually he's using his fingers to count down in binary till it is his turn on the lathe ("...4...")

(see the tee-shirts on www.thinkgeek.com)

Waymon Campbell
09-20-2004, 9:37 PM
Nice pix Kevin. I thought I had escaped being captured on film. Hope that pic of me didn't do weird things to your camera.

Kelly C. Hanna
09-21-2004, 2:12 AM
Nice pics Kevin! You got a good one of Chris' new doo....

Terry Quiram
09-21-2004, 7:10 AM
Thats a European influence. They don't point with their index finger. Dan I already had my turn and have emptied all my pockets. :D
