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View Full Version : *OT* Long Weekend Accomplishment GLOAT!

Matthew Curley
03-25-2003, 3:15 AM
First I want to apologize to Dennis for hijacking the "Weekend Accomplishments" title, but I will never get a chance for a gloat this good ever again, so here goes...

Saturday was pretty uneventful... Had relatives visit so got a reprieve on the shower surround (how long can I put that project off?) but did finish one of the family handsaws I am refurbishing (unearthed the family name etched on the back of the blade at the handle, I'll post pics when I have more of the saws finished)

Sunday was where the gloat came in... Dylan Joseph Curley was finally born (13 days late) Sunday night at 11:54 8lbs 15oz and 21 inches. Mama and son came through with flying colors, I only got queasy once ;-}

It absolutely cannot get any better than this!
<IMG SRC="http://home.earthlink.net/~macurley/_uimages/Dylansfirst.jpg?>

Glenn Clabo
03-25-2003, 5:06 AM
Oh MAN! How cute is he...Congrats.

Ken Salisbury
03-25-2003, 5:57 AM
<p align="center">Congratulations

Good looking kid --- must look like Mama --- <IMG src="http://www.klsal.com/wink.gif">

Mark Hulette
03-25-2003, 6:07 AM
Congrats on that handsome young man!! Have fun!

Jason Roehl
03-25-2003, 7:27 AM
Congrats on one of life's greatest joys!

Jim Baker
03-25-2003, 7:45 AM
Congratulations, Matthew.

Randy Miller
03-25-2003, 8:07 AM
Nice work -- what kind of finish did you use :)
I'm guessing Mineral Oil.

Congratulations Matthew!

Bob Lasley
03-25-2003, 9:14 AM

Looks like you'll have plenty of shop help now! Glad both Mom and Dylan are doing well.

No point in you even trying to wear a hat for awhile.


Kevin Gerstenecker
03-25-2003, 9:16 AM
Congratulations Matthew, and Mom! (She did most of the work!)
Looks like a fine, up and coming Woodworker to me! :D

Some of the best times I have ever had in my workshop were with my Son.............and at times my Daughter!

Glad to see everyone is doing well. What a good looking Lad!

Ron McNeil
03-25-2003, 9:49 AM
Matt, Congratulations to you and your wife on the new addition to the family. Baby looks great.:p

William Parks
03-25-2003, 11:37 AM
Congrats on your new addition to the family. Have you got him his own shop apron yet?

Lee Schierer
03-25-2003, 12:22 PM
Congratulations, looks like you will have many opportuniities to make projects now.

Tom Sweeney
03-25-2003, 12:40 PM
Well Ok Moma did most of the work ;) That's one cute kid you got there Matthew. Major Congratulations to you & LOYL for the great news.

Have Fun!

John Miliunas
03-25-2003, 2:33 PM
Yup, I'd say that's one MAJOR gloat! Congrats to you and Mom. No, it just don't get any better than that! Enjoy and make sure you leave enough room in the shop for your new helper!

Jim Izat
03-25-2003, 4:23 PM
Way to go Dad! His is a fine looking young fella. Congratulations!

Jim Izat

03-25-2003, 4:40 PM
Big weekend for births on the creek. We had our second son Kyle on Friday. He is almost as big as yours.
