View Full Version : Dewalt RAS

Dave Norris
10-04-2009, 3:58 PM
First I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has helped me in the past with all the crazy things I've asked. Seems like I never get to follow-up and say thanks. So "Thanks".

And now my latest "issue"...
I found a Dewalt RAS model GE-67, 16 inch. It's $800 as it sits, and I'd need to get a phase converter for it, for probably another $700 and then wiring. I"d also need a blade, and at 16", I'm sure that won't be cheap. So, initially it would need to sit until next spring when I could afford to get the converter.

The saw is an iron monster with 29" of crosscut. I've been looking for 24" to do cabinets with. It has some surface rust as it's been sitting in a warehouse building on a concrete floor. There isn't any oil on it anywhere, so it would need some rehab. The "carriage" is very solid in the arm with no play. The arm locks solid (like I could jump up and down on it and it wouldn't move). The arbor has a little play, but my guess is that when the electrity is flowing, it probably doesn't have any. It locks positively at 90 and 45 degress, although there is some slop in the stops, and it looks like maybe it wasn't intended to "click" into place. I'm a fan of RAS's, so I don't want to start a debate about the machine itself vs. scms or a table saw sled. I have three questions...

1. At $800, plus then the three phase rotary converter (and I would only go with rotary at this point), is this saw 'worth it'?

2. With a saw this big, what kind of accuracy could I expect? My guess is it's potential for accuracy will far exceed my ability to set it up.

3. Is the play in the arbor something to be concerned about?

I'd like to ask these questions, but at this point I"m waiting for my new registration to be activiated.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Don Jarvie
10-04-2009, 9:19 PM
Welcome Dave, go to owwm.org - Old Woodworking machines, Do a search in the shop forum or better yet join and ask away.

I have seen a few of these monsters discussed there.

Ben Martin
10-04-2009, 9:26 PM
Good tip on OWWM, but I bet that one of those guys has one sitting around and would sell it for cheaper than $800, but up a WTB thread in the BOYD sub-forum.

That is probably a 7.5 or 5 HP motor? Pretty expensive VFD but it might be cheaper than the $700 phase converter.

I have one of it's baby brothers a 8" MBC, only paid $65 for it from a guy on those forums.

Bob Aquino
10-04-2009, 10:15 PM
I think its a bit on the expensive side, moreso with a 3 phase motor that you will need to convert to run. I have seen them go for about 600 locally with a single phase motor.

Ditto on moseying over to owwm.org and looking through The Shop (http://owwm.org/viewforum.php?f=1) . You can also go to the DeWalt Delphi forums (http://forums.delphiforums.com/woodbutcher/start) after a quick registration process and look around over there. Those guys are seriously into the old Dewallys and can answer any question you have.