View Full Version : Leady Ringcutter

Charles T. Thompson
10-03-2009, 9:27 AM
Looking for a ringcutter manufactured by Bruce Leadbeatter in Austrailia possibly in the 80's. Looking to make one. Any ideas?

Pete Jordan
10-03-2009, 12:42 PM

Robert McGowen
10-03-2009, 2:25 PM
Without going into the merits of the ring cutter itself, I did find the following statement on the ring cutter website to be a little unusual:

"Alternate the grain direction at 90 degrees to the previous layer for added strength and stability."

Based on my segmented turning experience, I think that this would be the exact OPPOSITE of what you would want to do for added strength and stability. I have tried something similar and had fairly good results just using a thin parting tool to cut the rings freehand. YMMV

Richard Madison
10-03-2009, 9:28 PM
My first dozen or more bowls were made using a home made ring cutting jig, more than 25 years ago. At that time I also believed in gluing alternate layers with 90 degree cross grain. I still have a number of those original pieces and while none has actually come apart, many of the joints are palpable. That is to say, one can feel some of the glue joints where the surface originally had a deep, glassy smooth, high gloss finish.

neil mackay
10-04-2009, 9:14 AM
As far as I know Bruce still sells them, but it might be a bit pricey the shipping costs to the USA

He lives not to far from me and still sells his lathes wholesale from his shop out the back of the house along with his turning tools etc.