View Full Version : Tibbetts Ring

Richard Madison
10-01-2009, 6:54 PM
This was a "play" piece, made from five cylinders or tubes each made from five staves. It's about 6" dia. x 1-1/4" with 3/8" walls, mesquite and osage orange. Now for a REAL visual and intellectual thrill, check out Malcolm Tibbetts' piece titled "Smile On Your Brother", posted on WoW on August 22. It's made from 100 (that's one hundred) such rings, tapered to form two interlocking toroids.

Dick Sowa
10-01-2009, 7:30 PM
Beautiful! I've been trying a some of Malcolm's techniques and have discovered how seriously difficult a lot of his work is. The piece you mentioned is also posted on his web site.

I have a LOT of respect for folks that can even come close to what he has come up with, and I think you have done it! But now you need to crank out another 99 :)

Chris Stolicky
10-01-2009, 7:34 PM
These things amaze me....

I like the symmetry of the piece.

Walt Caza
10-01-2009, 7:49 PM
Cool piece Richard,
Nice work!

Since I do not profit from M.T.'s website, I can provide a link:
Plenty to see over there.

thanks for the peek,

ps that's my understanding of the TOS

Steve Schlumpf
10-01-2009, 7:50 PM
Have to agree with Chris - these things always amaze me! First you have to have the imagination to think something like this up - then you have to be able to figure out a way to create it! Yup - amazes me!

Very nice work Richard! Looking forward to whatever you create next!

Richard Madison
10-01-2009, 8:39 PM
Thanks guys. No imagination on my part. Just followed Malcolm's description to make one ring, just for fun. No way do I have the stamina to make 99 or even 49 more, much less taper them all to form a toroid shape. It's a brilliant concept, and/but certainly not mine.

Thanks Walt. I should have thought to provide the link.

Ryan Baker
10-01-2009, 9:46 PM
Cool ring, Richard. Nicely done.

Now then ... Holy Cow Malcolm! You've done it again! That's another amazing segmented monster. I think i'd be pretty looney before I got that many pieces done. "Using Less" is pretty cool too. I need to check your web site more often.

Bernie Weishapl
10-01-2009, 9:52 PM
That is a really pretty piece. Really well done.

John Terefenko
10-01-2009, 11:49 PM
You did a nice job and of course Malcolm is the KING. His work is outstanding.