View Full Version : staples ????

mike graveling
10-01-2009, 7:58 AM
what are some of the applications where you would use staples instead of brads? i have a bostich staple gun but i rarely use it, just thought i would see what others are using theres for, do the staples give you more holding power?

thanks in advance

richard poitras
10-01-2009, 8:02 AM
I use mine for installation of back inset panels in cabinetry mostly.

mickey cassiba
10-01-2009, 9:40 AM
Upholstery and siding were the reasons I got mine. Here at the plant we use a wide crown to build the casings on our prehung door units. Hold way better than brads or nails.

mike graveling
10-01-2009, 10:19 AM
is there any reason that i should not use staples to build kitchen cabinets? the sides will not be showing anyways and i am being forced to build them out of 1/2" oplwood so i thought the more strength the better.

Mike Henderson
10-01-2009, 11:13 AM
I used staples for kitchen cabinet drawer bottoms. I felt they held the bottoms on better than brads.

This is not an issue along the sides where your drawer glides help hold the bottom on, but it is an issue in the front and back of the drawers.

Anyway, it's been several years and heavy dishes and no problems. Don't see why the whole drawer couldn't be done with staples.


[Oh, you need a good staple gun to drive the longer staples. I have the Senco SKS.]