View Full Version : CSBBQ 2004 Pix

Waymon Campbell
09-19-2004, 6:41 PM
Terry and Cheryl - Thanks for opening up your home and your shop for all of us. I haven't had that much food and fun in a long time :) .

Here are some of my pix from CSBBQ:

1) There's Terry in his "Don't be gett'in any sawdust on my floor" look.

2) Dennis Peacock trying to "figger out this here jig".

3) "The WestCoast Razorback" Chris Padilla.

4) Scott Coffelt "gangsta turn'in" (notice the hat).

5) Jeff Hamilton wins the WWII. Just look at that grin!

Waymon Campbell
09-19-2004, 6:51 PM
More Pix...

1) The newest SMC member...

2) Talk'in Shop...

3) Terry wielding his "Veritas Spatulator".

4) You want me to leave that gouge mark in and call it a "art"?

5) "Master" Kevin holds class.

Waymon Campbell
09-19-2004, 7:00 PM
And yet more...

1) Long lost twins are re-united at CSBBQ!

2) The "WestCoast razorback" wins big. We didn't tell him the box just had a brick in it...

3) This ones for you Tyler! The WestCoast Razorback putting tool to turning. He may have gone over to the dark side...

4) Requested avatar for Terry Q.

5) Requested avatar for Mike H.

Bruce Page
09-19-2004, 7:41 PM
Great post Waymon, It looks like fun was had by all. I wish I could have been there:mad:

Michael Stafford
09-19-2004, 7:49 PM
I don't know Terry at all but I recognize that look, "Did I really invite all these yahoos into my shop and to eat all my food?"

Dick Parr
09-19-2004, 7:58 PM
Looks like everyone had fun. :) Thanks for the pics Wymon.

Randy Cox
09-19-2004, 10:05 PM
Ok...that's it. When's the next one. I'm putting in for vacation as soon as it's scheduled. Boy, wished I could of been there.


Terry Quiram
09-19-2004, 10:14 PM
Hey Waymon

Thanks for the cool avitar. Connie and I had a real blast again this year. It was really nice meeting a bunch of new friends and visiting again with old friends. Thanks Terry and Cheryl for being great friends and wonderful hosts. Terry I am glad we left you some pickles. They go great with scrambled eggs in the morning. No wait, thats the Jalapano relish that goes good with eggs. :D


Frank Pellow
09-19-2004, 10:38 PM
Thanks for the pictures Wayman. It looks like you have captured the spirit of a great party.

Maybe next year ...

Tyler Howell
09-19-2004, 10:52 PM
Nice Record Waymon, Looks Like a great Party.

Scott Coffelt
09-19-2004, 11:24 PM
That was one hard chunk of walnut, sure purdy though.... yes it's just wood Terry.

Scott Coffelt
09-19-2004, 11:40 PM
Hey, how come my fat belly is in most of the pics. What camera break on the other guys :D .

Chris Padilla
09-20-2004, 1:28 AM
This was a great time and I sure learned a lot...I'm still steering clear of this "spinny thing" disease that was spreading unchecked through the weekend...for now! :D

Terry, thanks so much for hosting, thanks so much for the food, the drinks, the time, the electrons, and the fun! Perhaps, most of all, thanks for providing the perfect venue in which a few of us can now place real faces/bodies/voices with their internet counterparts--priceless!

Try and make this next time folks...it is a blast!

Mike Hannah
09-20-2004, 9:11 AM
Waymon thanks for the avatar and the great pictures. It sure was a great time!

Chris Padilla
09-20-2004, 2:47 PM
Hey Mike,

Thanks for driving...you sure put up with a lot of "backseat driving/moaning" from this guy! :D

Ed Falis
09-20-2004, 3:09 PM

Those were awesome pics! Thanks for sharing with those of us who couldn't make it.

- Ed

Jerry Olexa
09-20-2004, 3:17 PM
Attn: Chris That new avatar is a Big improvement, except we miss your little daughter. Take care. Sounds like all you guys had a good trip and meeting!:)

Chris Padilla
09-20-2004, 6:29 PM

I made Scott two of 'em and I made Steve one, too. Try 'em out fellas! You need new ones. :D

Steve Clardy
09-20-2004, 8:20 PM
Hey thanks Chris. Now you know what I really look like.

Chris Padilla
09-21-2004, 10:18 AM
It's a good one, Steve, got your hat and everything! :)