View Full Version : New Shop Done!*Jim Ketron's Shop Progress*

Jim Ketron
09-19-2004, 3:48 PM
Thanks for all the help you guys/gals gave me during the building of my shop.
The construction phase is done:D
The total cost in the shop was $5,343.71
I will work on the A/C blowers I got at a jobsite to make my homemade air cleaners I will do a pictorial with how I made them. I plan to make them this week.
as soon as possible I will build the following a CMS station w/ motiser combo, workbench , a rolling stand with infeed/outfeed for the 13" planer, a stand with drawers for the Jet mini lathe w/ extension bed
cabinets/ shelves. and some other small projects.
You can look at http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=10428&highlight=shop+progress thread if you have missed any of the construction of the shop!
Heres some pics look over the mess!
the first pic is the outside
2nd is the south wall/ back
3rd is the north wall/back
4th is the front w/doors
Thanks Jim




Rich Konopka
09-19-2004, 4:05 PM


Congratulations !!

Jim, outstanding work and the time to completion was extraordinary.

However, there is some bad news.

Jim, a shop is never finished. It is a constant evolution.

Thanks for the Pic's !!

Dick Parr
09-19-2004, 4:13 PM
Congratulations Jim, the shop looks great. :D :D Now the fun part starts with putting things the way you want them and the way they fit. :)

Looks good Jim. :D

John Shuk
09-19-2004, 4:18 PM
That looks nice! Now you gotta fill it with lots of tools. Best of luck with the new space!

Bob Marino
09-19-2004, 4:25 PM

CONGRATULATIONS! And pretty fast work at that. Good luck.


Gredo Goldenstein
09-19-2004, 4:25 PM
Beautiful shop! As others said before, now the fun begins! I just finished my miter saw/mortising machine bench. I took the plans from Norms and adjusted to fit my space and needs. Very happy with the results.

Have fun and be safe!

Jason Tuinstra
09-19-2004, 4:41 PM
Jim, the shop looks great. I can imagine you're going to have quite a good time in there for years to come. Congrats.

Joe Mioux
09-19-2004, 4:46 PM
Hi Jim

The shop looks great. You did a fabulous job on the building. Congratulations on a job well done.


Rob Russell
09-19-2004, 4:50 PM
Done huh? Does that mean you're ready to start on the honey-do list? ;)

Congrats on getting it up so quickly. I'd love to have the space that you have, especially the ceiling height.

Michael Stafford
09-19-2004, 4:54 PM
Way to go Jim! Outstanding job! Now for the fun part, filling it up so you can use it.

scott spencer
09-19-2004, 5:04 PM
All kinds of "green" responses come to mind that I shouldn't type in mixed company, so I'll refrain from posting them! Congratulations on a job well done! Enjoy the new shrine!!

Wade Samuelson
09-19-2004, 5:54 PM
Look at all that space!!!! (Drool drool drool!!) Congratulations!

Jerry Olexa
09-19-2004, 5:55 PM
Outstanding work and also FAST!!!! great Job! Now enjoy it!!

Jim Becker
09-19-2004, 6:04 PM
Looking great, Jim!!

Jim O'Dell
09-19-2004, 8:11 PM
Hi! I've not posted on your shop build, but have been reading and watching the progress with great interest. I'm very envious of the headroom in your shop!! All the work has been top notch from the start. Enjoy your place. You've encouraged me to take pictures and document my progress here on these great pages when I finally get to start the remodel on the building that will be my shop. I hope some of you guys and gals can help me figure out how to get a little more headroom than was built into this existing shop.
Congrats Jim. I've really enjoyed watching the building grow. Jim.

Terry Hatfield
09-19-2004, 8:15 PM

Excellent job!!!! The shop looks great. Now, go enjoy!!!


mike lucas
09-19-2004, 8:58 PM
However, there is some bad news.

Jim, a shop is never finished. It is a constant evolution.

Thanks for the Pic's !! Don't I know that! Things were going great until I moved into it. Now new projects are taking over, and the last 10% is taking forever.

By the way, the new shop looks great.

09-19-2004, 9:19 PM
Great job Jim. Not only a nice shop, but you did it quick and inexpensive. I'm pretty impressed with that cost for a standalone heated/air-conditioned shop of that size. It's sure a good feeling to finish the construction phase, eh?


Cecil Arnold
09-19-2004, 10:16 PM
Fantastic job and great looking space. Now take a weekend off, take SWMBO someplace nice, then get back to finishing it off so we can see some pictures of your work. Otherwise Tyler and Chris will be all over you. Really looks good, I'm green.

Frank Pellow
09-19-2004, 10:20 PM
Congratulations on a great job and in doing it for such a small cost in such a short time! :) :) :)

But, why did you not finish the interior of the ceiling and the top of the end walls? Is there something else you wan to instal first? :confused:

I look forward to the day when I can do a similar post re the completion of the construction phase of my shop.

Tyler Howell
09-19-2004, 10:27 PM
Awesome, Nice Work space and thanks for including us in the process.

Joe Scarfo
09-19-2004, 10:49 PM
absolutely beautiful shop... Congratulations.

Joe in Tampa....

John Miliunas
09-19-2004, 11:05 PM
Dang it, dude! Fast, skilled AND frugal, to boot! :D That just flat-out rocks, Jim! :) Man, fun times ahead, I can see that now. Great job and thanks for the ongoing updates. I'm not much of a carpenter myself, so it's always a pleasure to check out work in progress to get a tip or two! :cool:

Jim Ketron
09-19-2004, 11:55 PM
Congratulations on a great job and in doing it for such a small cost in such a short time! :) :) :)

But, why did you not finish the interior of the ceiling and the top of the end walls? Is there something else you wan to instal first? :confused:

I look forward to the day when I can do a similar post re the completion of the construction phase of my shop.
Thanks Frank
Yes I plan on Finishing the end walls and ceiling. but I want to hold off for a while to make shure everything is where I want it. That way I can make some changes without exposing any more wires than I have too!
and I need to do some woodworking I've been puting off for 3 months:D

Jim Ketron
09-20-2004, 12:05 AM
Thanks Men :D

Without your encouragement I would still be working on it! and your help with all the designs and help with the choices that I've made!
Now I'll have to build homes for all my tools! That will be the fun part!

Don Stanley
09-20-2004, 12:28 AM
Congratulations Jim! I hope to build a shop someday -- you just proved it can be done! Thanks for posting all the pictures during the build process.


Sparky Paessler
09-20-2004, 12:43 AM
Looks great Jim. I love the high overhead. You will really enjoy fixing it up and working in it. I'll come see it soon. I did make progress on mine will post pics and things later.


Chris Padilla
09-20-2004, 2:03 AM

Fantastic work, Buddy. You must've set some records on both a time and money/sq. ft. basis...very admirable. Looks like you need to host the next SMC get-together, eh?? :D Again, superb job...look forward to the set-up now! :)

John M. Cioffi
09-20-2004, 6:56 AM
Great shop Jim,

Congrats. on a great job. Looking forward to seeing some project pics.

Mike Evertsen
09-20-2004, 7:08 AM
great job Jim, now the best part of building a shop begins.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-20-2004, 9:13 AM
Go Jim Go! ......er....wait a minute..... Way to go Jim! ......that's more appropriate! Congrats Jim! You've set a record for time while minimizing cost!

Lou Morrissette
09-20-2004, 9:28 AM
Great looking shop, Jim. Love the space and headroom. Great job!:D

09-21-2004, 11:23 PM

Your shop looks great and like everyone else I am in awe of the speed in which it has come together.

But I have a question about your plans, especially your roof structure. My shop is half of a 20 X 38 detached garage and it looks similar to yours with a couple of differences. It was built in 1981 with 2X4 walls @ 16" OC, 2X8 rafters and 2X8 ceiling joists @4' OC and 1X6 "V" bracing tying the rafters to the joists. This leaves me with 8' ceilings at the joists. I would much prefer your 8-10' ceiling clearance.

Did you have to have Architect or Engineered plans and did the plans call for that roof configuration, without joists? It made me wonder if it would be possible to replace my joists with that heavy collar tie structure.

Any Architects, Engineers or Building Inspectors feel free to add your 2 cents.

Jim Ketron
09-21-2004, 11:41 PM
John my rafters are as follows 2 2x8 at the top 2x6 rafters 2' OC then a cross brace almost half way down the rafters and that gives me the 10' 4' off the wall
I didn't use any plans just built it by code and talked to a lot of house builders to make shure I was correct in my choices.
Sounds like you have rafters to me and where yours is 4' OC is why it's beef-ed up with 2x8s I would contact a Architect to look at what you have you may be able to add some more 2x8s to make them 2' OC and some braces and loose the bottom part of the joist . get someone to look at it First though!
But I dont know about how to get the ridge boards in thats what holds most of the load. hmmmmmmm!

09-22-2004, 12:00 AM
Thanks Jim.

It looks like its the 4' OC rafters that are limiting me. I have a 2X8 ridge beam also but it doesn't seem too easy to insert another rafter in between the existing ones. Yes, I would have an engineer or architect sign off on any plans I had just to be safe. Just had a wild idea and thought I'd try to get some input on the possibility.


09-22-2004, 12:10 AM
Man, after all the time I have spent in the rafters lately I don't know how I could have mis-remembered so much detail of their structure.

I just stepped out there and the rafters are 2X6 @ 24" OC with 2X8 Ceiling joists 4' OC. It doesn't sound too different from yours. Was that a typo where you wrote "2 2X8 at the top"? Did you mean to say that your ridge board is a 2X8?

Jim Ketron
09-22-2004, 12:20 AM
Man, after all the time I have spent in the rafters lately I don't know how I could have mis-remembered so much detail of their structure.

I just stepped out there and the rafters are 2X6 @ 24" OC with 2X8 Ceiling joists 4' OC. It doesn't sound too different from yours. Was that a typo where you wrote "2 2X8 at the top"? Did you mean to say that your ridge board is a 2X8?
Yes but I have two 2x8s for the ridge board I could have gone with one but I beef-ed it up. you can see them in my shop thread.