View Full Version : Killing me to find a Lucas Mill !!

Scott Driemel
09-29-2009, 7:24 PM
I hope this is in the right spot everyone as I can't seem to locate the "classifieds" on the site anymore. Lucas Mill's makes an 8" swingblade portable mill. They make a 6" and a new 10" as well. I've decided the 8" is best for me and don't want to enter the bandsaw vs swingblade discussion. It has been a quest for the better part of a year now to find one used, in good shape, and at a reasonable price. Are these mills so rare that no-one has them or are they just never been sold? I would think that as they are $12,900 new, one that's used would be around $6500-7500 or so. I've tried the sawmill exchange, Carl Petersons site, and everyone else to try to find the right one. If anyone has one sitting gathering dust, let me know please!!! Just find it remarkable that with woodmizers & Norwoods all over the place, there would be a Lucas here or there as well. If anyone has had a bad issue with a Lucas I'd love to hear about it before I make the plunge. I've got logs sitting, and ... rotting and need to get one soon! and ya gotta hate rotting logs!! Any ideas would be welcome!

Dell Littlefield
09-29-2009, 10:06 PM
I think you can search Craigslist nationwide. I don't know how but you may find out about that. Good luck.

Scott Hildenbrand
09-29-2009, 10:13 PM

Or this, if you're not set in stone about that brand.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site%3Acraigslist.org+"portable+mill" (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site%3Acraigslist.org+%22portable+mill%22)

Seems to be the only valid listing selling what seems to be the mill you're looking for.


Matt Ranum
09-29-2009, 11:21 PM
Where are you located and does it need to be portable? I know a guy who has a Mobile Dimension mill he wants to sell.(still for sale as far as I know)
http://www.mobilemfg.com/indexen.html Check out the video, pretty cool.

They came with either gas engines or electric motors. His has the electric kit on it and was set up at a permanent site. Its a very safe 1 man operation with automatic feed & return. Cuts with 3 blades at one time and makes a finished board in 1 pass and brings the board to you on its return. If memory serves its set up for either 16' or 18' long logs.

I wish I had a need for it but I don't saw enough. Its in central Wisconsin. Price was very reasonable.

If you or anyone else is interested send me a PM and we can talk in more detail.

Steve Clardy
09-30-2009, 10:06 PM


Scott Driemel
10-05-2009, 7:19 PM
Thx Matt but yes,, pretty much settled on the Lucas. I've a need to be really portable and not having access to electric means I need to be gas. Has to be small enough I can move,set up, load it, operate it, all alone. Thx Scott, I've put an email into the chap selling one in Calif and I'll see what happens. I'm here in the Northwest. Just seems strange. I spoke with Baileys today and was told (they are in Calif) that they've probably sold 3000 of these across the USA. You'd think they'd be for sale a lot, as many buy it to do a project and once done, it gets put into mothballs. Prob seems to be to find one sitting in the barn. One would think with the economy slow that these would come out more often as well. So if any of you kind people, happen to know of one, then please give me a shout. They came in 6" & 8". I need the 8". Thx again to all who have tried to help.

Joe Little
10-05-2009, 7:57 PM
NH craigslist has one

Scott Driemel
10-05-2009, 8:49 PM
Appreciate the heads up Joe but I'm needing the 8" model and that one is a six inch. Too bad, good looking mill and he's taken the care to put the portable shelter over it as well. Obviously someone who cares about their tools. It's too bad, when I google C.L. it doesn't spit these out at all. Hopefully someone here will know someone with one who's in need of getting rid of it. Once again, thx for the tip Joe!

Michael Conner
10-05-2009, 11:57 PM

You may find that Lucas mills hold their value pretty well. I have a 618 that I will be selling some day. I bought it new, it has maybe 300 hours on it, and I would not think of selling it for less than 6500. I think you would be pretty lucky if you found an 8" mill in good shape for less than 7500 or so. They are well made mills and are pretty simple to use and maintain.

Also, unless you are REALLY into owning and running a mill, I would just hire somene to mill your logs. I got into sawmilling to supply a woodworking habit. Fact is, I can saw more wood in a couple of days than I can use in a year. If I did not saw for others, and if I did not enjoy sawing just to be sawing, it would have been a financial mistake.

Scott Driemel
06-16-2010, 5:29 PM
Well, finally found a 8" Lucas in Montana and bought it. Cost me $7500 and it needed a couple of parts but they are so darn hard to find used, they command a top price. Came with a slabber attachment as well and will take a little getting used to for sure. Be nice to talk with any other Lucas owners here in the Pacific Northwest or I guess, anywhere for that matter! Don't see much discussion about the Lucas Mill on this forum? I'll post again once I start cutting in ernest and see how she does. Cutting looks like the easy part, hauling, stacking, covering looks like the hard / time consuming part.

Ryan Baker
06-16-2010, 9:24 PM
You might try the milling subforum on the Arboristsite forum ... bound to find more information there.

Jim Andrew
06-16-2010, 11:13 PM
There are several guys who have swing mills on forestry forum.

John Shuk
06-17-2010, 9:04 AM
A co-worker/friend of mine has a Lucas Mill and to my knowledge he hasn't been using it for quite a while. I've not seen it but he has described it to me a bunch of times. He milled alot of wood that he used in building his house and has been very happy with the way it works. I should see him tonight at a retirement party. I'll mention it.
He is the kind of guy to keep things in good shape and we live in New York.
What is a ball park for what you would be willing to pay?
You can e-mail me if you like LEVUK @ Verizon .net

John Shuk
06-17-2010, 2:03 PM
Oops. too late. I guess I should have read the part where you found one.
Best of luck with it.
I know my buddy has been very happy with the performance of his. Quartersawing should be no problem with it.