View Full Version : Woodturning question: Turning green logs

Bob Weisner
09-19-2004, 2:39 PM

Got a couple of questions about turning green lumber.

1. We had a few trees cut down recently and I was able to save some of the logs for turning They were : Ash, Silver Maple and a Slippery Elm.

2. I have them cut in 3 foot peices and they are 6 to 10 inches in diameter. Should I just strip the bark off with a drawknife or should I run the logs through my tablesaw to get the bark off?

3. If I run them through the tablesaw, how difficult will it be to trim the bark off with the tablesaw?



Jim Becker
09-19-2004, 3:34 PM
Never run green logs on your tablesaw...very dangerous. You don't necessarily need to strip the bark if you intend to use these logs for "turning". Just seal the ends with Anchorseal and keep them off the ground unless you want spalting/rot. Leave them as logs until you're ready to make a few blanks for immediate roughing or, if you choose, cut up a whole batch if you have the storage and coat them thoroughly with Anchorseal. Of course, bark-on, that should be outdoor storage if at all possible to guard against insects.

All three species you cut will be very nice to turn, especially the ash and silver maple.