View Full Version : LV stainless steel edge plane??

Brian Ashton
09-28-2009, 8:11 AM
They all got snapped up quick but I haven't seen any come up for sale. Has anyone seen any appear on the market?

Eric Brown
09-29-2009, 7:08 AM
Saw one on e-bay that sold for about $350 if I recall.
Maybe some day Rob Lee will come to his senses and offer more than just one plane in his new premium line. It was brought out about last Thanksgiving. I for one would be willing to spend more for tools that don't rust and work well. Like his new shoulder plane, the side rabbet plane, the skewed rabbet planes, etc. Oh well. Just wishfull thinking. Not holding my breath anymore for his new creation that "Stanley never made anything like before" either.


Rob Lee
09-30-2009, 2:39 PM
Saw one on e-bay that sold for about $350 if I recall.
Maybe some day Rob Lee will come to his senses and offer more than just one plane in his new premium line. It was brought out about last Thanksgiving. I for one would be willing to spend more for tools that don't rust and work well. Like his new shoulder plane, the side rabbet plane, the skewed rabbet planes, etc. Oh well. Just wishfull thinking. Not holding my breath anymore for his new creation that "Stanley never made anything like before" either.


Geez Eric,

Cut us some slack will ya??? Tooling doesn't grow on trees ya know....:eek:

You'll see two new planes in the next month, a set of five after Christmas, the pair of skew blocks after that...

And - a bunch of other cool stuff...

Next premium plane is gonna take about a 250K investment to get off the ground... and that's after the design work.

We got rent to pay too, doncha know...

Cheers -


Eric Brown
10-01-2009, 7:04 AM
Hi Rob. I understand the problems of getting new designs produced.
Really I do. But is it necessary to re-design all the tools in order to make them out of better materials? The edge plane is a good example. You have made it out of bronze, ductile iron and stainless. As fast as the stainless ones sold, do you think it was just a sales fluke? I think not. Did you make money? Maybe not. Could you have upped the price, say $50, and sold even more? I think so. I for one would be more willing to buy your standard designs if they were made in your new nickle-iron. And what ever happened to the Tucker vice? Last I heard you were looking to have it made overseas. I have one (love it) and hope to buy another in few years if available.

Rob, I'm sorry if you feel I'm not giving you enought slack. But like I said, it's been 10 months already. While you have not made any promises as to new products or their availability, dreams and speculation don't cut wood.
I have bought a lot of tools this year and more of them would have been yours if you had used non-rusting materials.

Lee Valley has always been a good company to deal with and the products I have gotten have all worked as advertised. Some of them could be made better. That's all I'm saying.


Gary Herrmann
10-01-2009, 7:15 AM
You'll see two new planes in the next month, a set of five after Christmas, the pair of skew blocks after that...

And - a bunch of other cool stuff...

I think I just heard my wife grinding her teeth in her sleep...

George Israel
10-01-2009, 10:25 AM
Times are very tough and Rob is very smart not to be too quick to invest $250k in new tooling with an even longer break even point. He is running a business and his business has gotten a lot harder over the last year. However when he is ready to start releasing new tools I for one vote for a large plow plane!

Phil Harding
10-01-2009, 10:59 AM
Geez Eric,

You'll see two new planes in the next month, a set of five after Christmas, the pair of skew blocks after that...

And - a bunch of other cool stuff...

Cheers -


Well, there goes the hot tub and the new kitchen cabinets I was planning. :mad:! At least I have some time to come up with some really creative excuses for why I need to invest more money in tools.

-- Phil

Derek Cohen
10-01-2009, 12:57 PM
Rob, I'm sorry if you feel I'm not giving you enought slack. But like I said, it's been 10 months already. While you have not made any promises as to new products or their availability, dreams and speculation don't cut wood.

Hi Eric

Patience my friend. The wait will be worth it. I have played with a few and it is not simply a matter of a new set of clothes. These are exceptional designs! Can't say more.. except I have one in my hand and I can't stop smiling (Rob - the other Rob - will understand) ... :)

Regards from Perth


Bruce Mack
10-01-2009, 2:00 PM
Rob--I am eager to see the new planes and I'm ready to spend bigger money. I have 2 of your planes, the original low angle block a few years ago and the low angle smoother. The block never worked well for me despite many attempts, and I have relegated it to a utility tool for outdoor structures. The low angle smoother with the 38 degree bevel is excellent, but (forgive me) homely. I can't have a Holtey or its like, but I'd love to have a smoother with a pretty face. I suspect you are aiming for appearance as well as technical excellence.

Andy Hsieh
10-01-2009, 7:28 PM
Can't say more.. except I have one in my hand and I can't stop smiling (Rob - the other Rob - will understand) ... :)

Regards from Perth


ohhh man - here we go again.

start putting away the pennies - I for one like the wait period - allows me to amass enough money to actually buy it when it comes out.
