View Full Version : Another box picture

Perry Holbrook
09-18-2004, 8:48 PM
I needed to send an image for a show application, so I took this shot the other day for them and thought I would share it with ya'll. The body of the box is gummy Cherry w/ sap wood. The legs are Wenge. The copper top is a carving of a dogwood branch. I use those 5mm barrel hinges for this box, which work well for this design.

Thanks for looking. Perry

Don Stanley
09-18-2004, 9:27 PM
Really nice work Perry.


Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
09-18-2004, 9:31 PM
That sure ought to get you "juried" in. Nice design and the colors go well together. Hope you have a successful show.

Mac McAtee
09-18-2004, 10:10 PM
How'd you make that copper lid?

Jim Becker
09-19-2004, 12:00 AM
Outstanding! The combination of wood and copper is wonderful, Perry.

Michael Stafford
09-19-2004, 8:28 AM
Very nice Perry. I hope you and yours were unaffected by the floods and other unpleasantries from the recent hurricanes that passed through your area.

Perry Holbrook
09-19-2004, 9:35 AM
Michael, thanks for asking about the flooding up here. In a word, it has been horrible for lots of people. Frances put 6 ft of water in Biltmore Village and surrounding areas. Lots of businesses may never recover. Some areas got 18" of rain. Then Ivan hit basically the same area with over 15". We've had 8 deaths. The worst is in Macon Co where an entire community was washed away. They are still searching for bodies. The national media hasn't covered it because there is so much to cover everywhere else. Here at our place we are fine.

Mac, I hate to say this but it has taken me hundreds of hours to perfect the process I use for the copper and I would rather not publish it here on the internet at this time. Since several of my pieces are unique to the craft business, a few people are attempting to copy me and I'd rather not make it easy for them. Hope you understand.

Instead of using my method, a simple punch tin or copper panel would also work well and is easy for anyone to do. If you would like some pointers on that, just ask via e-mail at kopperwood.com.


Michael Stafford
09-19-2004, 11:56 AM
Perry, I can empathize with the flood situation since my home town was flooded by Floyd in 1999. Over 30% of this city was under water and I had never seen flooding up close and personal. I feel sorry for those that are experiencing it in your home town. It is one of the worst experiences of my life. Your home is destroyed but still standing, better if it burns to the ground.

Wade Samuelson
09-19-2004, 5:58 PM
Yikes, I gotta stop looking at the pics in this forum--I get so discouraged! I was thinking about taking a weekend to build a bootjack, but I think I'll go fishing instead!

Beautiful box Perry--really, that's a masterpiece.

John Olson
09-20-2004, 5:42 PM
I like the copper top. I hope this does not come off bad. I wonder if you will get the value back for the talent and time that went into your box. I am a poor country boy and for my own use I tend to go over board. But if I tried to put a retail value on a project I would have to consider where I could get back the time and effort. I used to do leather work and know the time that goes into these projects.

Mathew Nedeljko
09-21-2004, 12:07 AM
Perrry, fantastic work on the box. Best of luck with it at the show.

I spent 4 days at the Biltmore Estate in August with the family for vacation this year. Had a great time and built many fond memories. Sad to hear about the flooding in the Biltmore Village. Do you happen to know if the house sustained any damage?