View Full Version : cottonwood bowl

David Christopher
09-26-2009, 10:52 PM
this is a piece of cottonwood from Utah that I got when me and the wife went on vacation..

nothing special but I thought the grain and color was kinda cool

5" X 7" with mohawk lacquer.......thanks for looking

Bernie Weishapl
09-26-2009, 10:56 PM
David that is a beauty. Really like the wood and finish looks really good.

Alan Tolchinsky
09-26-2009, 11:01 PM
That's a beauty! Love the color and the finish; it looks like marble.

Steve Schlumpf
09-26-2009, 11:16 PM
Pretty cool bowl David! Really like the bark areas and all the cracks - just adds a little more character of the piece!

Eugene Wigley
09-27-2009, 1:41 AM
David, that's really nice. I like the grain and the finish.

Walt Caza
09-27-2009, 10:55 AM
Hi David.
Another cool bowl... you're really cranking them out!

If you would be so kind... can you offer a rookie a clue?

My first effort when I got a fresh sour cherry branch can be seen here:

Yes, my basic blob form and poor sanding aside...
including the pith has resulted in radial cracks.
They look kinda cool, similar to that cherry coin cut-off pic,
from when I was trimming out end checks when sawing my blank.

Of course, I'd rather learn to better deal with pith.
If I had a larger branch, I would have removed it.

Oh ya, plus you hollowed yours... and I just used a big forstner bit!

My question is: Do you expect your pith to crack?
What steps did you take to avoid it?

I'm trying to see a bigger picture and learn,

David Christopher
09-27-2009, 2:21 PM
Hi David.
Another cool bowl... you're really cranking them out!

If you would be so kind... can you offer a rookie a clue?

My first effort when I got a fresh sour cherry branch can be seen here:

Yes, my basic blob form and poor sanding aside...
including the pith has resulted in radial cracks.
They look kinda cool, similar to that cherry coin cut-off pic,
from when I was trimming out end checks when sawing my blank.

Of course, I'd rather learn to better deal with pith.
If I had a larger branch, I would have removed it.

Oh ya, plus you hollowed yours... and I just used a big forstner bit!

My question is: Do you expect your pith to crack?
What steps did you take to avoid it?

I'm trying to see a bigger picture and learn,

Walt, as far as the pith goes I seal it with sanding sealer as soon as possible and hope for the best