View Full Version : Chainsaw Quit :>) (gloat)

George Guadiane
09-26-2009, 8:48 PM
My cousin, whom I haven't seen in 40 years, recently contacted me... He suggested that we should get together... Then he added this information: I'm an arborist and I am about to cut down an East Indian Rosewood tree. Want the wood?

Well, I'm in NY and he's in FL, but I said that since I was going to come down and see him any way, it would be my pleasure to "help him out" with the disposal of this stuff, to keep it out of a landfill.

I had a FABULOUS TIME, getting to know my cousins (his sister too) and their children/grandchildren. Stayed an extra day.

The "sad" part of my story is the chainsaw. It just would not run for more than a few seconds after about an hour of use. I TRIED to get it fixed, but it would be a week, and I would be home by then, so I called SWMBO and told her my story and she said "Shouldn't you go and buy another saw?" In spite of significant objection on my part, she convinced me to get the saw so that I could finish cutting up the rosewood.

I'm on my way back home and found a few minutes to post the pictures.
Here are the pictures of the wood and the saw...

Steve Schlumpf
09-26-2009, 9:02 PM
George - a trip to Florida, Rosewood and a new chainsaw? WOW..... and I mean that in the nicest way! What a gloat! Congrats on the wood - looks absolutely beautiful! Congrats on the new chainsaw - should last for a real long time! Sounds like you had a great trip! Looking forward to seeing what you turn out of that amazing wood!

Richard Madison
09-26-2009, 9:52 PM
Your fuel tank vent filter is clogged. What a sneaky way to get a new saw.

And what a splendid trip! Thanks for sharing that with us.

Jeff Nicol
09-26-2009, 10:04 PM
Well it would probably be my wife going to Florida and there would not be any new saws in the picture! Winter is coming and she hates the cold so warm is her favorite word! Great gloat and a darn nice saw too!! I hope to get down to Texas this December and try to get some mesquite while I am there, a friend of mine is a "Dell-ionaire" works for Dell Computers and has a big house and his girlfriends Dad owns a ranch that I can snoop around on. I hope I get as good a pile of new wood as you!

Have fun,


Bernie Weishapl
09-26-2009, 10:32 PM
Great gloat George on the wood and new saw. Can't wait to see what comes of that wood.

alex carey
09-27-2009, 6:59 AM
wow that is a sweet gloat, that wood looks like it has some great potential.

09-27-2009, 7:37 AM
Glad you had a great trip,visit and gloat to boot.
"significant objection", now that sounds like you are practicing a good ol' "Texas Tale.":D
What part of Texas will you be in?


Gary Herrmann
09-27-2009, 10:11 AM
Rosewood crotch. Yeah, I'd say that's worth the drive and a new saw. Good cousin you have there too.

Richard Madison
09-27-2009, 10:23 AM
If your friend is a Dell-ionaire, assume you may be visiting near Austin which is a veritable hotbed of woodturners. The Austin club has a big part in putting on SWAT. I'm about 20 miles from Austin, so if you get down this way (Wimberley) feel free to drop by for a visit.

Walt Caza
09-27-2009, 10:27 AM
Congrats George,
That's a terrific score in so many directions,
from sexy wood to family connections!
I even appreciate the nifty and super-functional cooler set-up.

It was big of you to accept your wife's suggestion!

Uplifting story, thanks for sharing,
hope you get some shoptime,

Jarrod McGehee
09-27-2009, 12:08 PM
Awesome wood and a new saw! that's the way to do it man.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-27-2009, 12:17 PM

Great gloat on all accounts!

Doug Carpenter
09-27-2009, 1:35 PM
Ok, I'm new here so I'll ask. What is a SWMBO?:o

Paul Atkins
09-27-2009, 1:51 PM
Did you leave any in longer lengths? Like for furniture or spindles?

Harvey M. Taylor
09-27-2009, 5:17 PM
SWMBO is an affecionate referral to ypur wife/girlfriend/partner/ whatever meaning She who must be obeyed.

George Guadiane
09-27-2009, 7:53 PM
First, to everyone's kind comments, thank you... I didn't " them all because it would have just been TOO LOOOOooonnnggg and many of you shared the same sentiments, again

Thank You ALL!

George - a trip to Florida, Rosewood and a new chainsaw? WOW..... and I mean that in the nicest way! What a gloat! Congrats on the wood - looks absolutely beautiful! Congrats on the new chainsaw - should last for a real long time! Sounds like you had a great trip! Looking forward to seeing what you turn out of that amazing wood!
Thanks Steve, believe it or not the wood and saw, as cool as they are were not the high point. Nancy and I found great new friends in our Florida cousins. I WILL be sure and post pictures of the stuff as I turn it. At least some of those pieces will be going back to Florida to my newly reconnected family.

Your fuel tank vent filter is clogged. What a sneaky way to get a new saw.

And what a splendid trip! Thanks for sharing that with us.

Seriously, I have no idea what the problem was, but your observation sounds realistic... Even if that was the cause, After taking it to two shops, I couldn't get it fixed that day, and I was PLANNING on leaving on the following morning, so I pretty much HAD to buy something, and I couldn't see buying a junker to get me through.

Well it would probably be my wife going to Florida and there would not be any new saws in the picture! Winter is coming and she hates the cold so warm is her favorite word! Great gloat and a darn nice saw too!! I hope to get down to Texas this December and try to get some mesquite while I am there, a friend of mine is a "Dell-ionaire" works for Dell Computers and has a big house and his girlfriends Dad owns a ranch that I can snoop around on. I hope I get as good a pile of new wood as you!

Have fun,


Jeff, part of the reason that it took me SO LONG to get the job done was the HEAT, it was in the 90s... Slowed me down a lot.,,
Good luck on the hunt, I understand mesquite is PLENTIFUL in Texas, and plenty of fun to turn!

Glad you had a great trip,visit and gloat to boot.
"significant objection", now that sounds like you are practicing a good ol' "Texas Tale.":D
What part of Texas will you be in?


I have to admit, Roy, I was surprised by how willing she was for me to spend the money, but she was having a great time with my "cousin in law" Donna, so maybe I slipped one by her???

Rosewood crotch. Yeah, I'd say that's worth the drive and a new saw. Good cousin you have there too.

There are SEVERAL NICE crotch pieces, some will make nice bark edge bowls and a couple will be GREAT vase/hollow forms. I even saved the pith cutouts for the guys in my clubs to have crotchy pen blank stock.

Congrats George,
That's a terrific score in so many directions,
from sexy wood to family connections!
I even appreciate the nifty and super-functional cooler set-up.

It was big of you to accept your wife's suggestion!

Uplifting story, thanks for sharing,
hope you get some shoptime,

Thanks Walt, I came up with the cooler idea to try and insulate the fumes from the rest of the van - it worked like a charm, even in the Florida heat!
And you're right, the whole thing was just one BIG Blessing!

I have a couple of days before I fly to California for work, so I might get the wood cut to rounds, stored and a couple of pieces roughed out before I go.

Again, thank you everyone.