View Full Version : New Lathe

Eugene Wigley
09-25-2009, 5:56 PM
The vortex is strong. I could not resist. I have wanted a dedicated bowl lathe since I first saw the VB36. I finally bought one from Craft Supplies. They are good people and offer great service. Craft Supplies used Estes Express Lines to ship the lathe. The driver was great. He put the thing inside my shop about 5 or 6 feet from where it is now bolted to the floor. That was a tremendous help. All I had to do was unpack it and set it in place with a engine hoist.

I have not had time to turn much on it yet. I tested it on a piece of 4"X4"X12" inch dry oak. I was able to reduce the 4X4 to a cylinder and then hollow it with a 1/2" depth drill and a scraper with no tail stock. There was no vibration at all and the lathe was not bolted to the floor when I tested it. I also turned some tool handles for thompson gouges and skews after I installed the tailstock. I am looking forward to trying this thing out on a few bowls this weekend if I feel better. I've been sick for the last three days but feel a bit better today.

Pics are posted below. Thanks for looking and thanks to the gang here at Sawmill Creek for all of the help I have received since I started turning.

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Mike Marmon
09-25-2009, 6:09 PM
That is a very nice looking lathe. Many happy shavings!!


robert hainstock
09-25-2009, 6:11 PM
nice looking machine. looking forwqard to pix of your work on it. :)

Steve Schlumpf
09-25-2009, 6:23 PM
Eugene - WOW!!!! You must like this turning stuff as that is quite the lathe! Hope you feel better soon as this lathe must be screaming your name to come out and play! Quite the gloat! Have fun with it! Looking forward to seeing some turnings as soon as you feel better!

Terry Quiram
09-25-2009, 6:53 PM
I wish you were closer. I would love to try one of these monsters.:D BTW, nice gloat.

Mike Minto
09-25-2009, 7:31 PM
No Way! That is a dream machine, for sure! I know you'll love using that monster - you'll have to show us the work that comes off of it! Mike

Ryan Baker
09-25-2009, 7:46 PM
Nice gloat! Have fun with that monster!

Alan Trout
09-25-2009, 8:21 PM

Thats awesome, looks like you are going to have a bunch of fun.


Bernie Weishapl
09-25-2009, 8:26 PM
Eugene I would say you definitely fell into the black hole head first. Wow that is quite a machine. Congrats. Have fun and enjoy.

Alan Tolchinsky
09-25-2009, 8:58 PM
Wow what a monster, a green monster. Congrats and many happy years of turning on the green monster.

Ken Glass
09-25-2009, 9:03 PM
WOW!! What an eye turner. That is a major gloat. Way to go.

Richard Madison
09-25-2009, 9:37 PM
That's gotta make you feel better, just looking at it sitting there. Happy new lathe.

alex carey
09-25-2009, 11:09 PM
I can't believe you feel sick with something like that in your shop. I think my mind would trick my body into feeling good just to get on the lathe.

Bill Bolen
09-26-2009, 12:03 AM
Now that is a beauty! I'm looking forward to seeing what comes off of it. Get to feeling better fast...Bill...

Robert McGowen
09-26-2009, 1:14 AM
That tool rest looks bigger than my first lathe! Nice gloat.

curtis rosche
09-27-2009, 7:38 PM
wish i had one of those

Dave Ogren
09-28-2009, 12:09 PM

Congrats on becoming a member of the "Avacado" club.
(I believe that phrase was coined by Malcomb Tibbetts)

You are going to be absolutely in love with your new VB-36

Best wishes and happy turning


Rob Cunningham
09-28-2009, 12:40 PM
Great looking machine. Congratulations. Hope to see some chips flying soon.

Judy Kingery
09-28-2009, 12:48 PM

From one 'fellow' (ha) VB owner to another; trust me, you'll LOVE doing bowls on your VB as it is truly an outstanding Cadillac of a machine. I bought one oh 7-8 years ago and no regrets whatsoever! Took my time to shop around and decided that was my choice as well. Folks at Craft Supplies; I had the same experience, excellent service, delivery. Betcha you love it and use it as much as we do ours for sure!

Hope you get to feeling better soonest so you can go out in the shop and play with your new machine; it really is the best I think.



Dan Forman
09-28-2009, 4:34 PM
I'd like to have one of those someday, no place to put it now though. Congrats, and have fun with it.


Eugene Wigley
09-28-2009, 11:25 PM
Thanks for all the comments. I got to feeling better on Sunday so I rough turned six bowls from spalted sweet gum. They range in size from 11 to 14 inches. I just can't believe how smooth this thing is. It just don't move or shake at all. I kept increasing speed to see what it would do and finally realized I needed to slow the work piece down for safety sake. I was amazed at how fast it rough turned 11 to 14 inch blanks with bark still on them. Needless to say I am pleased with the purchase.

Thanks again for the comments and for all of the help and encouragement I have received since I started turning. I did flat work for eight years before I started turning and I enjoyed it but... it does not compare to turning bowls. Even the simple bowls I am able to turn are so much fun.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-28-2009, 11:33 PM
Congrats Eugene! May it serve you well!