View Full Version : Escutcheons and key holes

Michael Sobik
09-25-2009, 10:05 AM
I have a question concerning how everyone treats key holes and escutcheon plates.

Do you carve out the keyhole to match the profile of the escutcheon plate hole? I've only fit a couple of locks and I think they look better with a hole matching the profile of the plate. But in the one I'm currently fitting the hole in the escutcheon plate seems pretty large. Does anyone know what makers did in period pieces?

Kent A Bathurst
09-25-2009, 11:55 AM
Each period used a different approach. Some did not use escutcheons at all. For my Stickley/Ellis bookcase repros, I used these from Ball + Ball. Very subtle/subdued. OUtlined with exacto, used a file to bevel interior, then tapped into place.

george wilson
09-25-2009, 1:36 PM
Not sure what you are asking. The keyhole stays keyhole shaped. Some had a brass keyhole shaped casting you could press in after enlarging the keyhole a bit less than 1/16" all around. Others had various escutcheons like shields made of brass,boxwood,pearl,or other decorative materials.