View Full Version : Using DNA for wood stabilization

Don Meyer
09-23-2009, 1:05 PM
Just starting in wood turning and are interested in using this method for green wood turning. I was wondering how long to soak the bowls in it. Also how long does one let it dry wrapped in paper before returning? Does the DNA ever have to be completely replaced after so many bowls or does it ever have to be replaced at all except for whatever evaporates.

Ron Hardy
09-23-2009, 1:51 PM
Don I am fairly new to turning but have used the DNA method. I have let the bowl sit in the DNA for 1-3 days depending on how big the bowl is and how long I wanted it to set. I am sure there are more knowledgable people here that can give you a more precise length of time. I'll set the bowl out at least for a couple hourse until it looks dry. Then I will take a scale and weigh it and put it in a paper bag. I'll then weigh it about once a week to start and as the weight loss slows down I may then weigh it a couple times a week, but I'm impatient.
When it stops loosing weight then I'll figure its equal with its surrounding and I'll turn it.

I have done 5-6 bowls this way and so far I have had good luck. And I will thank the guys here because this is where I got my information from.

Good luck


Michael Mills
09-23-2009, 5:15 PM
I have only been using this method about a month but so far, so good.
I have been soaking a day or more and they are ready to re-turn in about 7 - 10 days.
Here is a link with lots of good info on using DNA.


Scott Hackler
09-23-2009, 6:32 PM
I soak the smaller bowls overnight to 2 days (if I forget about them) adn the monsters get a week in the Dna. I dont weigh them (cause Im lazy) I just wrap them up with 2 layers of newspaper and masking tape the rims. Air hols cut into the tops of the bowls and I leave them on the shelf. I have found that Silver Maple is completely dry in 3-4 weeks and black walnut is never gonna dry!! :) Is all about experimenting for your climate.

Also the Dna wont "go bad" but the natural absorbtion of the grean bowls will gradually lower the Dna and you will have to buy more. Just keep the container sealed as is will evaporate.

Bernie Weishapl
09-23-2009, 11:17 PM
I have used the DNA method now for 3 yrs. I started out soaking for a day or two but put them in and leave them for 2 to 5 days with no problems. 5 days especially on fruit wood. I bought a $20 scale and started weighing mine. It seems they are dry in about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. Most times I don't get to them for a month or so. In other words no more weight loss.

Steve Schlumpf
09-23-2009, 11:45 PM
I've been using the DNA method for a couple of years now with great results. I usually soak the rough outs for a minimum of 6 hours - longer doesn't seem to adversely affect anything.

Michael gave you a good link to the guy who worked all this out - Dave Smith. Here are a few more links with a whole lot of info on the DNA process.
