View Full Version : Burls ??

Rasmus Petersen
09-22-2009, 12:20 AM
I have a turning college thats selling most of his turning stock (3-4 tons of dry bruls) He has asked me to help him get some prices, so i turn to you, where would you sell burls like that, they are lage most of them. It black Locust Burl, Elm Burl (large pices)Oak burl .......

I would buy the lot if i had any money but sadly i havent..

Norm Zax
09-22-2009, 1:30 AM
Id do two things: first, as a member of the creek, post pics here, or on a site such as photobucket, allowing us members first pick. A week later, start uploading pics to ebay. Price should naturally depend on how anxious they are to unload the whole batch.

Dan Forman
09-22-2009, 4:18 AM
Does your friend live near you? If so, I expect shipping to the US would be pretty expensive, what demand is there in the Scandinavian region?

I've heard black locust burl is quite nice.


Scott Conners
09-22-2009, 7:19 PM
You might check out places like www.burlsource.com and http://www.leetreewoodworks.com/ and other places that sell burls (including ebay) to get an idea of price. Demand is everything, if they are hard to get woods and there is a market, they may be easy to sell, otherwise they might have to be unloaded for cheap.

Rasmus Petersen
09-23-2009, 12:58 AM
Dan : Black locust burl is extreemly nice both to turn and the result is really GOOD.

Thanks for the sites and info ..