View Full Version : Knowledge is Power

Tyler Howell
09-17-2004, 10:42 AM
Knowledge is Power, but in this case it's Neander. I just started a ten week class at the local Woodcraft on WW Unplugged. :cool:
The course is taught by Tom Casper, Senior Editor of American Woodworker magazine. Interesting guy with a lot of experience.
He has already de-mystified some of the secrets of planes and chisels. Looking forward to the coming classes.

Thanks to Steve Wilson, I am now a card carrying member of the Minnesota WW Guild.

I'll keep you posted.;)

James Carmichael
09-17-2004, 11:21 AM
Wow, I think that rates a gloat, Tyler.

We will expect lots of pics of pretty dovetails and fluffy shavings 10 weeks from now!

Dick Parr
09-17-2004, 11:50 AM
Looks like fun Tyler, enjoy.

Tom Scott
09-17-2004, 1:16 PM
And the best thing about entering the neander-world, Tyler, is that it opens up a whole new realm of tool buying opprtunities. They may be cheaper indiviually than a big electron eater, but there are a lot more of them...


Dave Anderson NH
09-17-2004, 2:38 PM
Now starts the infamous slide down the slippery slope. All that big iron and plugged in stuff you've been buying is just gonna sit there and gather dust. No longer will you be posting gloats on the power tools forum. All of your gloats (and there will be many) will now be posted over here. you will become a stranger on the other forums and folks will ask, " Tyler who?"

Seriously though Tyler, that's a great gloat. You will learn a huge amount and will find that all of your woodworking will improve as will your efficiency. While you don't HAVE to use hand tools (did I say that?) you will find that often they are the quickest and most efficient way to do something. It will also open up areas where the only tool you can use is a hand tool. There is still a lot that the powered stuff just can't do. Congratulations.

Mark Singer
09-17-2004, 4:29 PM

Dave is right...you will be a better man....more balanced quieter and smoother(if that is possible) Good move! I can see you buying some pricey stuff soon!;)


Tyler Howell
09-17-2004, 5:52 PM
Thanks James and Dick,
I specifically asked for long fluffy shavings as one of my goals.

Dave & Tom, I'm pretty good on a snow board and skis. I'll try my best at the slippery slope. I'm looking for that slower methodical process.

Ouch Mark, :eek: I don't know. That is the Advanced Tool Snob group. But it sure is pretty.

This is the first Neander purchase post start of class. Picked it up today at the 7 Corners Hardware tool sale. It was recommended by the instructor for an intro to dovetails. He also said there would be some protests from the hand tool purists.;)

Tom Scott
09-17-2004, 6:49 PM
Now you will be able to join in the great saw debate of which is better...western or Japaneze saws.

Tyler Howell
09-17-2004, 7:22 PM
Hey Tom,

I have three of the eastern wood wackers. One I didn't even know about when I bought it. I am very please with the reversed tooth concept. This is the most expensive and first back saw. I gave it a real road test at the store. We shall see

Steven Wilson
09-17-2004, 10:48 PM
Tyler, get in with the MN Woodworkers Guild group on Yahoo and you'll find out when the AW tool tests are: a fun evening evaluating tools. BTW, the MWG is bringing in Frank Klaus for a weekend at MCAD.

harry strasil
09-18-2004, 12:09 PM
FWIW--Although a blacksmith by trade, In about 1989, I built a complete working portable blacksmith shop for display at the 100th convention of the National Blacksmiths, Weldors and Machinists Association, and found that with modern tools I couldn't do some of the woodworking required, and that started my slide down the slippery slope, didn't have a puter at that time so had to learn on my own, and no one to ask, found a couple of reprints of old tool uses from the turn of the century, then found an old retired gentleman who had a lot of old hand tools and started out his carpentry career using them, so he was my mentor, and could tell me if I was doing good or bad, right or wrong, he ended up giving me a bunch of his old tools which really helped, I don't by any new tools, I use just old antique tools and ones that I have built myself (ones that are too expensive to purchase or are unavailable). I try to do everything except thickness planing with hand tools and do living history demonstrations at steam shows etc. It is a very rewarding hobby, and I always learn. I go to extreme lengths to not use nails and screws if possible, just joints and pegs. I never go by someone elses drawing etc, but prefer to figure out how to do it MY WAY. I sharpen all my own tools especially the saws, People are always in awe of how sharp they are and how well the saws cut LOL.
Enjoy the earplug free world of hand tools Tyler

Dan Mages
09-18-2004, 12:23 PM
Have fun Tyler!! I wish there were classes like that around here.

One thing to remember:
Knowledge is power
Power Corrupts
Corruption is a crime
Crime never pays
Therefore, if you get too knowledgable about neander stuff, you will end up pennyless!


Tyler Howell
09-18-2004, 12:59 PM
Have fun Tyler!! I wish there were classes like that around here.

One thing to remember:
Knowledge is power
Power Corrupts
Corruption is a crime
Crime never pays
Therefore, if you get too knowledgable about neander stuff, you will end up pennyless!

Wow Harry, pretty impressive.
Thanks Ladies and Gents. Lately a lot of good things have been falling into place. Don't know if it's kids, work, leisure or all of the above. Anyway I've changed my signature which kinda reflects my new sojourn from "Knowledge Is Power " to "Live Like you Mean It " Hope it is reflected in my WW.
Speaks volumes to me and I invite you all to "LLYMI ".

Jerry Olexa
09-18-2004, 5:15 PM
Good start Tyler! Enjoy it!!! But where are the pictures?? You know we like pictures! HaHa