View Full Version : Wood Odor

Paul Canaris
09-21-2009, 3:49 PM
I was thickness planing some White Oak this weekend I had picked up from a lumberyard the same day. And I noticed the strongest odor I can recall coming off any White Oak I have ever had. It was a very strong acidic odor, a lot like RTV Caulk fresh out of the tube; enough to burn your eyes. This is the first time I have run across this odor in white oak. Any idea what this could be? Could it have been treated as part of the kiln drying process?

Jeff Willard
09-21-2009, 6:52 PM
Just like acetic acid? That's been my experience with oak also. Can't explain why this particular batch is more pungent than all others though. I guess it could be similar to a cantaloupe. Buy one that's full of flavor, go back two days later, get another, and it's bland.

Mike Cruz
09-21-2009, 7:04 PM
I have found that to happen when there is moisture in the wood. Cat pee is the best way I can describe the smell...unless you are experiencing something different...

Peter Quinn
09-21-2009, 7:33 PM
I have experienced that same odor with WO. It comes from a number of different sub species all under the same basic description of white oak, and some is much more pungent than others. I haven't found it related to moisture content at all. I worked in a flooring mill for some time and certain batches of wood would burn your eyes and nostrils once the concentration of smell was thick enough in the air. Smells like burnt pop corn to me with a vinegar back bite.

glenn bradley
09-21-2009, 8:05 PM
I also have used some cat-pee WO in the past.

Clara Koss
09-22-2009, 12:42 PM
i have a cat and her pee does not smell like wood....:D

Prashun Patel
09-22-2009, 1:28 PM
Could it be the tannic acids in the WO? Just guessing...

Mike OMelia
09-22-2009, 1:37 PM
I have smelled it with Red Oak.


Dan Gill
09-22-2009, 4:48 PM
I have smelled it with Red Oak.


Me, too. White oak usually smells good to me when cut.

Cody Colston
09-22-2009, 7:59 PM
I think all Oaks have that smell, some more than others. Personally, I don't find it unpleasant. It simply smells like...Oak!

Richard M. Wolfe
09-22-2009, 10:12 PM
I've dealt with very little white oak so I couldn't comment on it but I have noticed the smell from red oak. I've built things from red oak for years. Most times the wood just smells like....oak. But occasionally I will get a board that has a smell I just describe as sour. And even less frequently I have worked some that has a very sweet smell. Other than the odor when cutting I don't recall any difference in working or finishing it.

Bill Orbine
09-22-2009, 11:48 PM
[QUOTE=Paul Canaris;1218724]I was thickness planing some White Oak this weekend I had picked up from a lumberyard the same day. And I noticed the strongest odor I can recall coming off any White Oak I have ever had. It was a very strong acidic odor, a lot like RTV Caulk fresh out of the tube; enough to burn your eyes. This is the first time I have run across this odor in white oak. Any idea what this could be? Could it have been treated as part of the kiln drying process?[/QUOTE

Somebody's outdoor bathroom was cut down after it died and was sold to the where you bought your WO. :p

Gene Howe
09-23-2009, 10:13 AM
Just wondering if oak, like cottonwood, will absorb smells from the earth and water in the area it's grown? I've had some really bad smelling cottonwood and a few like pieces of red oak.

Cliff Rohrabacher
09-23-2009, 1:33 PM
HA I used to get this Mahog that smelled like dirty diapers.

Jacob Reverb
09-23-2009, 9:43 PM
Green WO smells like bourbon to me.