View Full Version : Large cove bit?

Larry Edgerton
09-21-2009, 7:57 AM
I have a project that requires a large cove bit for arch top window trim, but with a twist, its made out of Azak. I don't really want to do it with a shaper, I would rather have the material clamped down and use a big router. When Azak catches it is ugly, so I feel safer with a big router. I have the proper cove in a shaper cutter but it is 7 1/2 inches in diameter, I have no bearing setup for it, and frankly the idea of freehanding with a guide bit on that cutter scares the hell out of me.

So.... I did a cursary look about for a big cove and didn't find one. If someone here knows a source please save me some internet/phone time.

Ideally the curve would be a ellipse section 1 1/2" deep and 1 3/4 deep, or aprox. a 1 1/2- 1 3/4 radius,but anything close will be fine. I do not want to go to the expense of having one made custom if at all possible.

Thank you for your support.....:)

Rob Cunningham
09-21-2009, 8:37 AM
Would one of these bits be what you are looking for? (upper left corner of the page)
They are not the highest quality bits on the market, but I've used them and they're pretty good.

Larry Edgerton
09-21-2009, 10:23 AM
That is the radius that I am looking for but would not work on arched pieces. That would work if the pieces were straight, but they are arched with wings off of both sides so I need a bottom bearing bit.

I looked a Freud and Ballew Tool catalogs this moring at the shop and the largest radius I have found so far is 1". 1 1/2 is minimum.

Thanks for the effort though, Larry;)

David DeCristoforo
09-21-2009, 11:29 AM
Check with a company like Nordic. (nordicsaw.com). They have piloted 1/4 rounds and coves up to 3" radius.

Josiah Bartlett
09-21-2009, 3:34 PM
Why don't you fabricate up a curved radius sacrificial fence for your shaper? That should be much safer presuming there isn't a compound curve.
See page 24 (28 in the box) of this PDF for ideas:

Larry Edgerton
09-21-2009, 6:49 PM
Why don't you fabricate up a curved radius sacrificial fence for your shaper? That should be much safer presuming there isn't a compound curve.
See page 24 (28 in the box) of this PDF for ideas:

Josiah: Can't do that. Most of the windows have a double arch and I want to make them out of one piece.

David: Called them today and they do have one for $372 for the router bit and $521 for the shaper. I'm going to continue looking for a less expensive alternative, but if all else fails...... Thanks!

I have a call into Oella Tool and they are searching for a solution, maybe some custom knives for a Leitz adjustable angle head I have.

Moneys is tight these days and I have to bid lower than I like to get these jobs or I would just buy the bit/cutter, but those days seem to be over. :(