View Full Version : Small shop tour

Cecil Arnold
09-16-2004, 6:17 PM
Since everyone seems to be building new shops I thought I would try to post some pictures of my very small workspace. It wasn’t small when we bought the house but seems to shrink daily. LOML used the idea of a three-car garage or a two car with extension to convince me to move, so we wound up with a two car and a space on the back in which I was able to build out the shop. It is about 11X23’ with an 8’ ceiling, and being in Houston it has to be air-conditioned. I would have liked to post some pictures of it clean, but this is about as clean as it gets.

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Stealth gloat the MM 16 has arrived. I put this in to satisfy the picture Nazis.(Chris and Tyler)
I found these doors at the borg on clearance. I had to frame and hinge them but saved a few bucks over prehung. <o:p></o:p>
This is looking left when you enter the double doors. You may notice on my el cheapo workbench the tell-tale strips of measuring tapes. This is just in case I can’t find the half dozen or so that I have somewhere in the shop.
This picture is looking back to the left, toward the garage. You may notice the filter over the front of the A/C for dust control.
This is a reverse view. The mm is in place.
Thanks for looking.

Mark Singer
09-16-2004, 6:23 PM

Great setup! Beautiful saw! Now as I tell everyone (including myself) "make something "

Ken Fitzgerald
09-16-2004, 6:25 PM
Cecil....it looks used....that's more important than clean. :D You have about the same amount of space I had in my old shop. Now I'd like to see pics of some work please! By the way.....that ain't no STEALTH GLOAT.....I am green with envy!:D

Bruce Page
09-16-2004, 6:30 PM
Nice shop Cecil, you certainly have a lot of stuff in there! Did you get your MM16 throat plate issue straightened out?

I wonder how many Creek members own MM16’s

Cecil Arnold
09-16-2004, 6:35 PM

Lots of grinding with the Dremil, but everything works well now. MM said they would happily replace the table if I couldn't get a shoulder to form. Great folks to do business with.

Jim Becker
09-16-2004, 6:40 PM
Lots of grinding with the Dremil, but everything works well now. MM said they would happily replace the table if I couldn't get a shoulder to form. Great folks to do business with.

Yup...I opted for the new table, but the first one was obviously an issue before I picked it up and they knew that was going to happen before helping me load it in the truck.

Thanks for the shop tour. I really like your cabinets/bench setup. Very classy and very functional. 'Hope you can add on someday, too!

Bruce Page
09-16-2004, 6:56 PM

Lots of grinding with the Dremil, but everything works well now. MM said they would happily replace the table if I couldn't get a shoulder to form. Great folks to do business with.
Glad to hear that they were happy to replace the table. The clear plastic blade guard on mine was cracked but functional, Dain quickly sent me a new piece along with some touch up paint that I requested - no questions asked. Good people.

Dick Parr
09-17-2004, 8:17 AM
Cecil, Nice Shop and Nice Gloat! :D

Did ya ever see a picture and have a light go on? :eek: I see your air conditioner and the pre-filter and know that is what I need to do. :D

Thanks for pics of your shop and for giving me a good idea. A pre-filter will be attached today. :D

Steve Stube
09-17-2004, 11:56 PM
Cecil, thanks for letting me look at your shop. I really enjoy shop tours - great to see how others have organized their gems. I think you could add to your Bio, "well equipped shop". Again, thank you.

Tyler Howell
09-18-2004, 9:27 AM
Packed her full Cec! Looks like a great use of space.
Really like your storage cabinets. Your handy work?
You pass Pix Nazi inspection. Thanks for sharing;)

Jim Ketron
09-18-2004, 1:15 PM
Thanks Cecil
that gives me some good ideas on my shop!