View Full Version : Three for the festival

Jeff Nicol
09-19-2009, 8:51 AM
Good morning fellow Creekers,

Here are three that I finished yesterday so I could have some more on the shelves for the festivities today! The first one is a double lipped american elm piece with a big void where the crotch of the limb was, it has lots of character! The next is a box elder pieces with lots going on, spalting, color, and wild grain. It has a few filled cracks but they add to the over all fun on the bowl! The third is a Tamarack crotchwood bowl with a NE and is just a great example of the lovely grain ov Tamarack! Hope they get bought up today! The owners wished I had brought some more birdhouse ornaments as they have been selling fast! They want at least 50 for Christmas!! I need to get busy!! No rest for the weary and broken down!!

Have a spinny day!!


Steve Schlumpf
09-19-2009, 11:16 AM
The third is a Tamarack crotch wood bowl with a NE and is just a great example of the lovely grain of Tamarack!

128242 128243

Steve Schlumpf
09-19-2009, 11:19 AM
Jeff, great looking turnings! Had to move 2 of the photos to another post - there is a limit of 5.

Wish you luck on your sales this weekend! Have fun!

Curt Fuller
09-19-2009, 12:14 PM
All three are really nice! But that double edged piece really caught my eye. I like how you've done that. Good luck at the festival.

Bernie Weishapl
09-19-2009, 1:14 PM
Great looking pieces Jeff. The double lipped one really caught my eye. Mini birdhouses sell great. Congrats on that order.

I just got a call from the art gallery and she wants to decorate a whole tree with my birdhouses, ornaments and bells. She thinks she will need about 35 of each. Plus she wants about 35 bottle stoppers. I think we both need to get busy.:eek::D;)

Mike Svoma
09-19-2009, 1:38 PM
The photos don't really do the double lipped piece justice. I stopped by at Jeff's shop the other night with the LOML and saw these pieces without the finish and they were beautiful then. I can only imagine how good they look now. I really love the double lipped one. I think that it is my favorite piece that Jeff has made. He really does amazing work.

Sorry off the pedestal now.


Jeff Nicol
09-19-2009, 5:04 PM
Jeff, great looking turnings! Had to move 2 of the photos to another post - there is a limit of 5.

Wish you luck on your sales this weekend! Have fun!
Steve, I was wondering about that today, it let me put in six and offered me a seventh! It never lets me put in more than 5, what was up with that? I thought something new was added. Kind of caught me off gaurd!

Thanks for the fix!


Jeff Nicol
09-19-2009, 5:10 PM
Thanks to all my critics and admirers!! The double lipped one came from a book I saw at borders and there was some in there like it. The guy that does them is from Ireland and it inspired me since I have some Irish heritage. Mike I am going to get a big head from all the gushing!!! I spun one today that has so much figure in it and spalting I could not stop tuning it slowly by hand and watching the light catch all the flashes in it! It was a hunk from the "Menards" scrap wood bin!

Have fun making curls!


Eugene Malone
09-19-2009, 5:42 PM
Jeff the guy in Ireland is Liam Flynn,I was at a demo last week and he made one and then done some carving on it. Awsome!! REgards Eugene Malone

Jarrod McGehee
09-20-2009, 12:58 PM
Those are all really cool Jeff. Good luck at the festival.

Jeff Nicol
09-20-2009, 3:08 PM
In this mornings paper it said that over 30,000 people attended the Fall Festival here in Eau Claire! It is a multi cultural exstravaganza with everyone dressing in traditional dress from their hearitage countries and vendors selling everthing you can think of! The close off one of the main streets that run through down town, it think about 10 blocks of it they have a big parade and everything! I was too busy to go down and enjoy the festivities so I hope I did sell some things. I will update when I know more.

Thanks again,
