View Full Version : Vote for a grain pic...

Walt Caza
09-17-2009, 10:56 AM
Good Day All,
Just Goofin' around...

Gonna post my latest bowl soon.
I have already selected 4 solid views, now
I need to decide my 5th photo which will show the grain up close.
(ya, I see now that the chuck just makes a hotspot)

Just for laughs,
Vote for the grain pic you prefer:
128092 128093 128094

128095 128096

Brodie Brickey
09-17-2009, 11:03 AM

Great grain. Is that Mahogany?

Bernie Weishapl
09-17-2009, 11:46 AM
Good looking bowl Walt. I was going to ask if that wasn't mahogany.

Walt Caza
09-17-2009, 12:04 PM
Hi All,
The bowl is Bubinga and will be posted in a couple days.
I could not decide which pic showed the grain best.
Exotics are new to me, and very intriguing.

Is there any agreement on how we pronounce it?

Some say Boo-binga and others say Bue-binga.
Thanks to all voters,
on we roll...

Chris Stolicky
09-17-2009, 7:13 PM
Boy, you went from fresh, soft, stuff, right to some of the hardest woods out there. I actually use a pen daily that I made from Bubinga (I'm a fan).

Oh, I pronounce it with the 'Boo-".

Good job, by the way.

John Keeton
09-17-2009, 7:21 PM
Walt, as a real freshman to this round stuff, I voted for a lot blotchy, and thought I would let you know that down here in KY, we say "Bubba - ingy.":D

Jeff Bratt
09-17-2009, 10:31 PM
I voted for "a lot blotchy", but in any case be sure to re-shoot the final pic to get rid of the hot-spot flash reflection. It really detracts from the great bowl. Move the flash off the camera and use reflectors and/or diffusers. If the camera is a point-and-shoot, then don't use the flash - use a tripod and natural lighting instead. Pic #4 is OK in this regard, but you should be able to get rid of that hot-spot completely.

Cyril Griesbach
09-18-2009, 8:27 AM
Walt, the hot spot isn't from the chuck it's from the light source which could be reflecting off the chuck or something else.

Walt Caza
09-18-2009, 9:37 AM
Hi Again,
Yes Chris, probably too steep a jump up the learning curve to try my
green hand at dry and very hard wood.
It sure handles differently.

Yes Cyril, you're right about the larger hotspot being from my overhead
shop lights. There is also a hot blur near the chuck in all the photos.
It's an eyesore too, and diminishes all these shots.

Being new to Bubinga, and exotics in general...
I was trying to get a sense of which of the freaky grain patterns folks
tend to consider appealing.

Yes Jeff, you coloured outside the lines...
and you are, of course, spot-on.(answer #8, re-shoot!)
Yep, the hotspots ruin these shots.
Yes, I will try shutting off my cheapie camera flash and in time
learn some better photography technique.

In fact, I'm sure this skewed the poll...
rather than grain appeal merit, some probably voted
on the pic without the hotspot.(4)
(better pic, not necessarily more pleasing grain)

You try to keep things light and have a lil fun...
but the wolf is always at the door.
thanks for the votes,
and thanks for the input.

This is how we learn,

Chris Stolicky
09-18-2009, 10:53 AM
Hi Again,
Yes Chris, probably too steep a jump up the learning curve to try my
green hand at dry and very hard wood.
It sure handles differently.

Hey, my philosophy, as long as you use some common sense, do things safely, and keep in the back of your mind things may not go as expected and frustration could happen, I see no reason not to challenge yourself. Your improvement will be limited if you don't attempt to go beyond your skill level and know that mistakes and failures will happen. You tend to learn more from mistakes than successes.

I started this habit as a pen turner. To date, I have turned more non-wood and exotic woods, than native and green wood. Now that I have gotten a larger lathe, I'm trying to catch up though. : )

mike holden
09-18-2009, 5:37 PM
I have heard it pronounced: BUH-bing-ah.
Just to give you a third option (grin)

I take it that is the same bowl, just photographed from different sides? Or a change in lighting? or?


Walt Caza
09-18-2009, 6:48 PM
Hi mike,
Way to muddy the waters further!
Great... a third possible pronuciation.
Four if you count the Kentucky Bubba-inga.

Ya, it's all pics of the same bowl, finished on the lathe...
and spun for a few different looks.
I wondered what is considered appealing Bubinga grain?
Might help next time I shop for a chunk...

May I ask, When does your local lathe group meet?
I was hoping to get my nose in there...
and maybe shake your hand too?

be well,

phil harold
09-18-2009, 9:10 PM
Well if you dont send it to me, it might as well be fire wood...

I dont want anyone else to have it but me ;o)

Cody Colston
09-18-2009, 10:26 PM
Walt, I voted " a little blotchy" as I like the first pic best.

I pronounce it "bue".