View Full Version : Vacuum Coupling for Nova

Ken George
09-17-2009, 8:54 AM
My vacuum coupling has bit the dust! The Teknatool site indicates that this is now "out of production" and the few woodturning sites I visited don't show them or show out of stock.

Anyone have one you would like to sell or trade/barter for?



Mike Minto
09-17-2009, 9:26 AM
Ken, just so you know something is available, I use the OneWay vacuum adapter. A little pricey, but works great. I wonder why Teknatool stopped making them? Doesn't make sense to me. Mike

Michael Mills
09-17-2009, 9:55 AM
Hi Ken,
The Woodcraft site still list them but I don't know if they are out of stock or not.
To join the Nova Owners Group on MyFamily.com you must send an email to novauser1@att.net and they will send you a password. Or go to this site and use the link there http://www.teknatool.com/NOVA_Owner.htm
A gentleman named Tim Geist did handle most problems with Nova and you could order from him. I no longer have his telephone number but I sure someone on the Nova Owners site will.

Ken George
09-17-2009, 2:34 PM
Thanks all for the responses. I have been contacted off line by people that have adaptors they are willing to trade.


Ralph Lindberg
09-21-2009, 10:13 AM
I bought one with my DVR several years back and it worked fine.... until I ignored the setup directions and switched from a Shop-Vac powered system to a true vacuum pump
Then I sucked all the grease out of it and wreaked it.

I know use a Hold-Fast adapter I modified (slightly) to us instead