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View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
09-14-2009, 9:35 AM
14 Sep 2009

Good Morning,
I hope that this find you doing well.
It's been rainy and cool here for the past few days and looks like it's going to be rainy today and tomorrow. I need to go and check my water buckets in the shop today and empty them. Maybe next spring I can figure out how to stop leaks on a metal roof of a metal building.

Making plans now for making a shadow box for a friend of ours that wants one made for flag display along with ribbons and awards. I find this to be an honor to do and I'm going to do my best to make this a fun project to help unwind a bit from the stresses of work at the day job.

I am thankfully still employed but the workload is getting so hard that many of us are working on our days off just to try and keep up with management demands and customer migrations.

I did want to pose a good question (in my opinion any way) of what's the best way to learn about repairing chairs that have developed loose chair rungs and generally falling apart?

That's it for me....so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-14-2009, 9:40 AM
Worked on the bathroom. Just a little touchup painting to do and the remodeling is completed.

I did manage to do a little turning this weekend. I turned the 19" top for cherry candle stand I'm making for the LOML. I need to do a little more sanding on the legs and putting scallops on the bottom of each leg and the bottom of the turned spindle and it will ready for finishing.

Matt Meiser
09-14-2009, 10:02 AM
Went camping Friday evening-Sunday morning, then came home and worked on the kitchen island and general shop cleanup for a few hours.

Ben Martin
09-14-2009, 12:12 PM
Worked a little more on the legs for my plant stand.

Doing 4 sided QSWO legs is a challenge, but enjoyable. Having the Wixey gauge on my planer is making it much easier than it would have been with out it.

Dan Gill
09-14-2009, 12:28 PM
No woodworking. Cleaned house Sat. morning in preparation for graduation party for my son that afternoon. Went to his graduation from cooking school (a 16-week program put on by the Tarrant Food Bank), then had a party/reception for hims that evening.

Sunday was teaching PowerKids (children's church), my adult class, and worship services, followed by dinner and a nap. (Hooray!) Loaded some shotshells and just vegged out the rest of Sunday.

JohnT Fitzgerald
09-14-2009, 12:42 PM
I revamped the lighthing and some shelving in our cedar closet (per the orders of SWMBO), and then threw together a unit with some shelves to mount outside the door from the kitchen to the garage - for the kiddies to put their muddy/snowcovered boots. Sunday we took our daughter to some relatives' so she could meet and ride their horse.

Cody Colston
09-14-2009, 1:11 PM
Recuperated (almost) from a case of the flu.

Paul Atkins
09-14-2009, 1:31 PM
Just finished glueing four 8" x 5' columns for turning. 6 sided coopered joints. Now the fun of having that mass spinning around.
As far as learning about chairs falling apart, do lots of them. Take them apart as far as you can even if it means a few good joints are pulled apart. Expansion clamps are better than a big hammer - altho I've done a bunch of that too. Getting all the old glue off and cleaning the joints is the time consuming part. Don't try to glue all the joints together at once. Sometimes you can glue the sides together first and then the back and rungs next. Think of modules and the tapered seat angles. I have used 2 or 3 different types of glue on one chair depending on the application. There is nothing like a strong and steady chair. Good luck.

Jim O'Dell
09-14-2009, 9:56 PM
Another flooring project here. I scraped and ground the floor last weekend. Took Friday off, got the tile home. Laid the crack isolation membrane that afternoon. 127924 Knocked off at 6. Sat, Got everything laid out, had to go get the HF multifunction tool to cut out for the tile to go under the closet and bedroom door trim. Got about 4 rows down.127925 Then Sunday knocked out a bunch more.127926127927 I still have about 4 hours, maybe a little less, of tiling to do this weekend, then I'll let it set another week, and grout the following weekend.
The little multitool works great, but it sure is LOUD!!! Jim.

Steve Southwood
09-14-2009, 10:50 PM
I helped my friends little cub scout build a tool box. If you were ever a boy scout, you know the one I am talking about. Probably the same since scouts started. I really had a good time. He was interested in the woodworking. Hopefully, I planted a seed that will keep growing.

Joe Mioux
09-14-2009, 10:50 PM
turned a wood mallet.

I thought I would take a break from ww and do a quick scrub down of the north side of the house. There was some algae starting to grow.

Welllllllll, that little job (actually not so little because it is a two story house) wound up an all day affair. I started on the North side and did the front of the house.

all this was done with a rag, an extension brush, ladder, etc. no power washer.

The east and the south sides will get done with a pressure washer. ;)
