View Full Version : 'Primitive' form - art form

Mike Minto
09-14-2009, 7:31 AM
Here's a little piece I like quite alot - it was turned from a 2" thick SA mahogany board. I burned in the design with bent metal clothes hangers, and drilled the holes with my (then) new Drill Wizard. It actually needs the holes to stay balanced. Finished with BLO - gives mahogany a nice, aged patina, I think. Turning air will keep you focused! Comments/critiques always welcomed. Mike

Stephen Saar
09-14-2009, 2:59 PM
That's a really beautiful piece. I love the look, and the holes really make it stand out in my opinion. Out of curiosity what was your inspiration for the design.

09-14-2009, 3:04 PM
Very interesting to say the least.


Steve Schlumpf
09-14-2009, 3:07 PM
Very cool winged bowl Mike! Interesting design - beautiful wood and finish!

Mike Minto
09-14-2009, 3:51 PM
That's a really beautiful piece. I love the look, and the holes really make it stand out in my opinion. Out of curiosity what was your inspiration for the design.

Stephen, I'm a little curious about how I choose my designs, too - no joke - I often start a piece with very little 'end design' in mind, and kind of see where it goes. This, however, I did intend to make some kind of bowl with wood left around it, as this has - and as it developed, it kind of reminded me of 'primitive' African art - so I made the branding irons, and liked how it looked. I'm glad I had just gotten the Drill Wizard, because without the holes on the long side, it would tip over :eek:. Thanks for the comments. Mike

Mark Burge
09-14-2009, 5:45 PM
Nice work Mike! I like the primitive look.

Bernie Weishapl
09-14-2009, 6:39 PM
Great looking winged bowl. Well done.

alex carey
09-14-2009, 6:53 PM
that is a great job, nice touch with the burning.

Lionel Mercier
09-15-2009, 5:41 AM
Very nice primitive.
Love the off center of bowl

Nathan Hawkes
09-15-2009, 9:11 PM
I like the design, Mike. Kinda reminds me of a crop circle design. Very original!!