View Full Version : In Case you missed it

Angus Hines
09-10-2009, 11:43 AM
The ShopBot / Ponoko 100 K Garages Project is now Live and functional.

Below is a copy of the newsletter that went out yesterday.

100kGarages news: 09-09-09

Our big news in this issue is that the first phase of 100kGarages (http://www.100kgarages.com/) is live! That means that Fabbers can "officially" sign up to be included on the Fabbers Map (http://www.100kgarages.com/fabbers/map) (no more "early adopters"!), and Makers can browse the map to find a local shop or post a job (http://www.100kgarages.com/jobs/new) on the 100kGarages JobBoard (http://www.100kgarages.com/job_board_overview.html). We've also added some new content and have lots more in the works. This a big milestone for us and we're looking forward to seeing where this all leads.

Along with new content, over the next couple of weeks and months we'll be working on promoting and marketing 100kGarages, to bring in more Makers and Fabbers. This will include everything from blog postings to an ad in an upcoming MAKE magazine, so keep your eyes open. If you know of a blog, forum, or other resource that might be interested in 100kGarages, help us spread the word by posting there or dropping us a line at info@100kgarages.com

And for those of you that are in the New England area, we'll have a table at MakerFaire Rhode Island (http://makerfaireri.com/) in Providence, on Saturday, Sept 19th. If you're there please stop by and chat for a while...we'd love to hear what YOU have planned for 100kGarages.

That's all for now,
The 100kGarages (http://www.100kgarages.com/) team