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View Full Version : Corel Question

Jared Greenberg
09-10-2009, 12:51 AM
Being pretty 'green' with Corel, I have a question that probably quite simple.

Basically what I would like to do is take a scanned image of a someone's signature import it into Corel and get it ready to engrave by cleaning up the lines/curves, so it engraves just like their signature.

Any help/advice would be appreciated.

Bob Davis
09-10-2009, 1:05 AM
Hi Jared,
Easiest way is to scan it into drawX4, click "edit bitmap" which will open the image in Photopaint, edit as appropriate, close Photopaint keeping the changes. The changed image will now be in Draw. Edit size and voila!

Frank Corker
09-10-2009, 6:09 AM
Jared, easiest thing in the world. Get the person to sign with a good black pen (sometimes soft pencil is better). Import the image into Corel and do 'line trace' black and white. They come out really well and excellent for engraving. I would recommend that if the person is able to sign with a slightly thicker pen, the result will turn out better.

Jared Greenberg
09-10-2009, 6:53 PM
OK, so I was successful in getting the image into Corel, resizing and cleaning it up.

I put the bitmap where I wanted it; the image I scanned was set at letter size, so I went Order -> Back of Page.

When I got to print the signature (bitmap) doesn't show up. Are the lines to thin? Any suggestions? Also am I able to color map this bit map image?