View Full Version : First project in quite a while; starting off small again

Russ Kay
09-07-2009, 7:09 PM
For whatever reason, I've just not done anything much in my shop for many months now. But a friend of mine, age 82, recently fell down some stairs and broke several ribs. He's recovering now, but still not as nimble as he was. He's a long-time bicyclist, and wants to set up one of his bikes on a stationary rig as an exercise unit. Problem is, that becomes higher than he's comfortable with to climb up on.

So he asked me if I'd build him a little platform, about 7 inches high and 16 inches square, so he could get up more easily onto the bike. He mumbled something about buying a few 2x4s.

Well, he's a good friend whom I respect a lot, and I had a bunch of wood lying around just waiting to be put to use, so ... I did.

http://www1.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=1378532015/PictureID=51056621015/a=2392783_2392783/ The top is teak-veneered MDF bordered in ash with birch Miller dowels connecting them to the base, which is walnut (had to use some sapwood that shows) and a piece of 2x going between the walnut end panels and connected with pocket hole screws. I had some problems slicing the Miller dowels off cleanly (used a flush-cut saw for some, LOTS of work; tried chiseling others off, not so cleanly) and discovered that my barely used Bosch ROS is totally dead. But got reacquainted with how nice it is to use a really sharp, well tuned hand plane, even just for edges.

All in all, a satisfactory project. Better than the client is expecting, and I learned and relearned a few things. Next project will be done better, I expect.

-- Russ

Ted Calver
09-07-2009, 8:29 PM
Great project...and for a good cause too. Bet that made you feel good :)

David Christopher
09-07-2009, 8:47 PM
Russ, thats a good looking step stool, Im sure your friend will be happy

Rod Sheridan
09-08-2009, 9:07 AM
Russ, very nice, I know it's just a "utility" item for temporary use, however old friends deserve special items, and you designed and built him something special.

Regards, Rod.

John Thompson
09-08-2009, 11:14 AM
Very nice and he should appreciate the extra you put into it.. I certainly would and I am not 82. :)

Kudo's to you...

Rick Moyer
09-08-2009, 1:45 PM
I feel his pain; literally as I broke six or seven ribs two weeks ago.
"Good-on-ya" for helping him out. Very nice step box that I'm sure he appreciates.

Mike Cruz
09-08-2009, 2:28 PM
Quite a step up from a couple of 2 X 4's. I'm sure he will love it and show it off to everyone who he can.

Isn't that the best part of WWing? Someone asks you if you can make something up for them...something little...not much fuss...just functional...and you give 'em 10X what they envisioned.

Good for you, Russ. And don't let another couple months go by before you get back out to your shop!

Dan Forman
09-08-2009, 11:29 PM
Thoughtful of you to go to such lengths for a what was envisioned just a utility item. Bet he will love it. Says something about your friendship.
