View Full Version : My new outfeed table, for real this time

Chuck Isaacson
09-06-2009, 11:20 PM
Hy folks, it has been a busy week for me. I started a new project, the new outfeed table. I am not sure if you are familiar with what I was using before, so you can check it out here (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=115250). It was crude but effective. Well, I got tired of using it and decided that I also needed a place to work, so the project began. I started off with a design that I made in Google SketchUp. Really a handy program. If you want to use it you can go to http://www.sketchupforwoodworkers.com/. Here this guy gives you a run down on the basics. It is all the training that I have gotten and I was able to make this.
127219 This is what I started with, needless to say it changed a little bit. With me, a plan is fluid until it is built. So I changed a little here and a little there and this is what I got.
127220 I know that I am notorious for posting unfinished projects. That is just because I get so excited. I REALLY LOVE PLAYING WITH WOOD!!!!!! I fortunately have a lot of time to do it as well. I still have to put a finish of some sort on it. I think that I will probably stick with what I have been doing, Tung oil. I kind of want it to match everything else that I have in my shop. I also need to put some leveling feet on it along with some trim pieces. That will come this week I think. I took my inspiration for this table from The Wood Whisper. I used the same general construction technique, just modified the design a bit. In his, he used plywood, I used solid red oak. He used plywood for the top, I used MDF. I was thinking about using 1/2" MDF and 1/4" hardboard, but settled on 3/4" MDF. As some of you or most of you know by now, I am in a wheelchair. I could not justify having a table this big, in my shop, and me not being able to use it. So I designed it to have a place where I can roll under it. This has now become my outfeed/assembly table. I did have the intention of having a separate assembly table but after building this monster, I don't think that I am going to have the space. But I think that this is going to be OK. I will also be able to use it as the out feed for my planer. Just need to make a slight modification to my planer setup. That is all for right now. Look for some pics of my DC setup coming this week. Take care.


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glenn bradley
09-06-2009, 11:30 PM
That came out great Chuck. I can relate to the fluid planning concept, especially when I am customizing something for the shop. I built a drawer unit and a cubby box for small cut offs under my outfeed. It also doubles as an assembly area which it looks like yours could easily do. Come to think of it, any known flat, level surface in my shop is an assembly area :D

Chuck Isaacson
09-06-2009, 11:50 PM
I figure that this one is just going to turn into a place that I will pile crap up on.

Sam Layton
09-07-2009, 12:08 AM
Chuck, That is a great out feed table. I don't think you can have one to big. Thats one thing I am looking forward to building. Now I just have an old door... Works, but does not look good.

Good job, Sam

Rick Dennington
09-07-2009, 1:22 AM
Great looking table,Chuck, and it looks like it will work for you just fine. I also like the opening for your wheelchair. Good open place to store crap!!!
One thing I would suggest, is that you might want to put a good finish on the MDF to keep it from getting scratched up too bad. I built an outfeed table(4'x8') for my table saw, but used 3/4/ birch ply. After everything was in place, I put 5 coats of a quick-dry poly on the top, letting each coat dry good between coats. It really works great.
I also did the same to my workbench, which is 3" thick MDF. First, I put 2 coats of Danish oil rubbed in good, and 4 coats of the same poly. No scratches on either one so far. Anything to protect the MDF. Just my food for thought. Good luck in your projects. Rick D.

Harold Shay
09-07-2009, 1:42 AM
Good job. you never have enough space to pile C....
I used poly on my assy table which has mdf it has been almost bullit proof. Finally broke it this weekend when a Maple glue up fell and broke off a piece I had cut wilth my trusty skill saw. The poly is the way to go.

Chuck Isaacson
09-07-2009, 5:43 AM
I dont suppose that either of you guys have a picture of what that looks like do you? I am jsut curious. I was going to ask about whether or not I should put some sort of finish on the MDF. I wasn't sure what to put on it or if you even could. I think that I will take your advice though. I have an older can of gloss that needs to get used up, so that might be what goes in there. Thanks.


Von Bickley
09-07-2009, 8:39 AM
The out-feed table looks GOOD...... The only suggestion I would have is to install some electrical outlets on the side of the table for using small powertools (jig-saw, sanders,etc.)........

Peter Quinn
09-07-2009, 9:09 AM
Nice table Chuck. Do you miss the pile of card board boxes? Maybe your table will inspire me to improve mine. I built one on the fly a few years back that works on a basic level but could use to be bigger, have more storage, and possibly be more stout. The only finish it has ever seen is wax and sweat, possibly the occasional bit of glue squeeze that gets smooshed in with a paper towel.

Every time I see a fine table like yours I think HEY, I need to make some time to do that. Hmmm, where did I leave box of that spare time?

Bill Huber
09-07-2009, 9:28 AM
I dont suppose that either of you guys have a picture of what that looks like do you? I am jsut curious. I was going to ask about whether or not I should put some sort of finish on the MDF. I wasn't sure what to put on it or if you even could. I think that I will take your advice though. I have an older can of gloss that needs to get used up, so that might be what goes in there. Thanks.


That out feed looks great, I just wish I had room for a nice out feed table.
I like the idea of putting electrical outlets on it like Von suggested, that is something else you never have to many of.

As I said I don't have an out feed table but I do have an assembly table, well all it is, is a 2' x 4' hunk of MDF that I set on the table saw or the router table. What I did with it was thin some poly down just a little and put on 2 coats, it sucks it in like mad. Then I put on one coat of unthined poly and after it was all done I waxed the heck out of it with paste wax.

Now when I drop some glue on it I just let it dry and it just comes right off. I have put another coat of wax on it just to keep the glue from ever sticking.

I would make sure you do both sides and the edges of the MDF, if not it will bow on you at some point.

Stephen Edwards
09-07-2009, 10:43 AM
Nice table Chuck. One of these days I'm going to upgrade to one of those, God willing. I've been getting by with a piece of plywood supported by two 2x4s for way too long! One of these days..............