View Full Version : Pens & Pentel Pencil

Chris Stolicky
09-04-2009, 10:35 PM
I finally got the chance to play around with taking a few pictures. I really need to find a better backdrop; always a work in process. Here is the "Its a Girl" pen I made a dozen of a couple of months back, a pentel pencil conversion, and a pen for a wedding I am going to tomorrow. Ken at Kallenshaan Woods did the engraving.

- The "It's a Girl" pen is made out of pink solid surface (i.e. corian). Tony, at PenWorks, did the engraving.
- The pentel pencil is is curly mahogany - its a poly finish, and not the best, but it works great
- The wedding pen is Snow White Lucite (PenWorks). I would have put it on a nicer kit, but this was built to order.

Chris Stolicky
09-04-2009, 10:37 PM
Another shot of the pencil:

alex carey
09-05-2009, 6:24 AM
looking good but a lot of these pictures are still too small. The first one is a good size.

Chris Stolicky
09-05-2009, 8:13 AM
I fully agree about the size of the pics. I need to find a way to 'dumb them down' so they can be bigger. Now, that makes sense, huh?

I upload the full res images to my flickr account and then link the images to the largest size allowed for posting. I guess if I lower the quality of the images, they could actually be larger. I find its easier that way than taking them right from my computer.

If you search my user name "stolicky" on flickr, all the pics and more are there. Pens are in a set called "Pens"; yeah I know, its that logic thing :rolleyes:. I would post a link but I'm not sure if flickr is considered another forum or not, and I don't want to get in trouble? I need to take some time and go back through the guidelines.

Thanks for looking.

John Keeton
09-05-2009, 8:27 AM
Chris, I use Photoshop Elements to resize pics to 7.5" x 10" at 72 resolution. Seems to produce a viewable pic for these purposes.

Steve Schlumpf
09-05-2009, 9:57 AM
Chris - very nice work on all the pens! Really like the wedding set and I am sure the Bride and Groom are going to love it!

I use FastStone Image Viewer for all my photos. Easy to use and does make a difference with the photos!

Bernie Weishapl
09-05-2009, 10:02 AM
Chris those are fine looking pens. Really well done.

Richard Madison
09-05-2009, 10:27 AM
The Pentel pencil is my favorite. Doesn't anyone use the plain ole MS Picture Manager that came with the computer? It's pretty basic but also very easy to use.