View Full Version : Terminology Questions

Dan Andrews
09-03-2009, 5:46 AM
I had never heard the term "saw till' before joining this forum. Does saw till refer to any saw storrage devise, or some specific type of saw storrage?

Here we are apparently referred to as Neanderthals (a term I would be proud to be worthy of). Elsewhere on the web I see the term Galoot used for hand tool users. Are these terms used for specific groups, forums, oganizations, etc.? Or, are these interchangeable terms for any handtool woodworker?:confused:

Don C Peterson
09-03-2009, 11:02 AM
A saw till, is a generic term for a place where you store your saws. I don't suppose that a place you pile them on the floor would qualify, but if you treat your saws like that we'd have revoke your Neander title.

As for Galoot/Neander they are interchangeable. I'm not sure, but I think Galoot is the older (and more widely used) term, but here at SMC Neander seems to be preferred. It's important to note that at least at SMC Neanderhood is not limited to those who are 100% electron free. Anyone who has an interest in hand tools is welcome in the cave.

Dan Andrews
09-03-2009, 7:05 PM
Thanks Don.
Then it is safe to say that I am a Neander just finishing up a saw till. It is my first 100% hand tool project.

Jeff Skory
09-03-2009, 9:16 PM
Make sure you post pictures of it when it is complete. :)

harry strasil
09-04-2009, 11:50 AM
Main Entry: 4till
Pronunciation: \ˈtil\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tille locker, chest
Date: 15th century
1 a : a box, drawer, or tray in a receptacle (as a cabinet or chest) used especially for valuables b : a money drawer in a store or bank

In reference to WWing, it was a drawer or nest of drawers or lift out or a special area or place inside a large tool chest for the storage/seperation of tools specific to a certain function. ie, saw till, chisel till, plane till, marking gauge till, etc.