View Full Version : Cherry Bowl ...

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
03-24-2003, 12:21 PM
I'm in the process of making some cherry bowls for a lady at work. She traded me a tile picture for one large bowl and four smaller salad bowls. Here is the second smaller bowl. The grain really popped out nice when I got it turned down. This was near where a limb had been on the tree. I'm using Mineral Oil since she wants to use them for salads. Thanks for looking.

Harvey Meyer
03-24-2003, 7:28 PM
Very nice Ron. Are you trying to make the 4 smaller bowls "identical" (meaning that they have the same size, shape, and wall thickness)? That would be quite a feat.

See my post on my 1st attempt with LDD and a cherry bowl.


Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
03-24-2003, 8:33 PM
As far as the four smaller bowls ... let's not say "identical" ... instead let's say "similar". That way I don't get too many gray hairs trying to match them up. The lady says she's artsy, si I took that to mean she doesn't mind if they're different, yet simialr (size, shape, etc). I looked at your post and the bowl looks great. I haven't done any inlace yet, but want to try. I'll probably do some after I get these finishhed for her. Glad you're having fun with the LDD.

Bill MacLachlan
03-24-2003, 8:52 PM
Great job, Ron. I think cherry is one of the best wood to work with.