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View Full Version : Good Report about Sears

Dan Bussiere
03-24-2003, 10:52 AM
I received an e-mail stating that Sears is actually making up the difference in salaries and benifits for their deployed reservists called to active duty. Of course I approach all e-mail with caution, so I called them and verified that! They are in fact supporting our troops with additional pay and benefits to ensure their service time doesn't reduce their normal pay and benefits. There has been other companies that are firing their reservist employees and I felt this is something we could support by using Sears when possible and letting them know why. Of course this is a personal choice and I wouldn't try to persuade anyone against their views, but rather encourage those so inclined! I'm not sure if I can put the Sears contact info on here or not?

Jason Roehl
03-24-2003, 11:24 AM
It is, as I hear and understand, against the law to fire employees who are called to active duty. They don't have to be paid or get benefits while they are gone, but they can't be fired.

Kudos to Sears for being a truly American company--I certainly have spent many dollars there over the years, I now consider those dollars even more well spent!

Joe Suelter
03-24-2003, 12:16 PM
Excellent post! Thanks for the update.

Lee Schierer
03-24-2003, 12:17 PM
All three of the employers I have worked for paid me the difference in pay when I was gone for reserve duty, even when we weren't at war. It's good to hear that others do as well.

The "Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act" provides protection for reservist and active duty people when they are deployed or in a war status. Employers should read it carefully before taking any action in regard to employees who have been called to active duty. It also applies to landlords, bill collectors and others.

Ted Shrader
03-24-2003, 3:08 PM
Dan -

That is an outstanding policy Sears has. Cudos to them!



Kirk (KC) Constable
03-24-2003, 6:19 PM
That's a nice gesture they're making...but I suspect it's not costing them much. I've no idea what they pay at Sears, but you'd probably need to be in 'management' to lose money unless you were an E1 or E2 reservist. When I left the Air Force in 1992 as an E-5, the money wasn't too bad (counting all the allowances). I don't think I woulda made that much working retail anywhere.