View Full Version : Canary wood

Keith Christopher
08-30-2009, 7:20 PM
Anyone use this wood before ? Any pitfalls you've experienced with it ?

Joe Spear
08-30-2009, 7:36 PM
I've used it. It is a beautiful wood, but the color varies a lot from board to board. So if you're making something large, you may have to work to find pieces of stock that are similar in appearance. Sometimes it can be splintery, so be careful when handling. When routing, go with the grain if you can and take light passes. In my experience it will darken with finishing and age.

Keith Christopher
08-30-2009, 8:04 PM
I've used it. It is a beautiful wood, but the color varies a lot from board to board. So if you're making something large, you may have to work to find pieces of stock that are similar in appearance. Sometimes it can be splintery, so be careful when handling. When routing, go with the grain if you can and take light passes. In my experience it will darken with finishing and age.


Thanks for the info. I was lucky enough to find it in a width I can use as one board and in 12/4 !

Just need to pick a wood to go with this most interesting piece. I'm thinking yellow heart. will flow with the yellows in the wood. I think at best I will use shellac on it.


Keith Christopher
08-30-2009, 11:42 PM
Pretty 'eh ?

Jim Rimmer
08-31-2009, 11:23 AM
That is beautiful wood. Please post pics of your project when done. I would love to see how that color turns out.

Jim Tobias
08-31-2009, 1:50 PM
That is very nice canarywood. I have used bloodwood and padauk with it before and it really brings out the red streaks in the canarywood.

Jeff Willard
08-31-2009, 3:43 PM
Any pitfalls you've experienced with it ?

Smells funny.

Keith Christopher
08-31-2009, 5:48 PM
like zebra wood ?

Jeff Willard
08-31-2009, 6:32 PM
like zebra wood ?

Naw. Zebrawood smells like what the zebra leaves behind :eek:-tha'ss why they call it that. On second thought, canarywood does smell a lot like what a canary leaves...:rolleyes:.

I can't really describe it. It isn't too disagreeable, but I wouldn't want to walk around smelling like it.

Tony Joyce
08-31-2009, 7:50 PM
If this has the bright red streaking, it will fade fairly fast.

Keith Christopher
08-31-2009, 8:14 PM
Naw. Zebrawood smells like what the zebra leaves behind :eek:-tha'ss why they call it that. On second thought, canarywood does smell a lot like what a canary leaves...:rolleyes:.

I can't really describe it. It isn't too disagreeable, but I wouldn't want to walk around smelling like it.

Well for the cabinet I am making it with I don't want the owners to open it an want to barf. But then again nothing worse than opening a cabinet months later to still smell curing poly or laquer.

Jeff Willard
08-31-2009, 11:15 PM
I don't think you'll have that problem, although I've never built anything with it, just turned a few pieces. It does have a distinct aroma while being machined. Not really unpleasant, but I can't really think of anything I'd want to smell like that-unless it were a piece of wood.

mike holden
09-01-2009, 8:40 AM
I used canary wood to make one of the five spice boxes I made for Christmas presents last year. (see "580 handcut dovetails" in the projects area)

I had no particular problems with the wood, unlike the Lyptus which splintered and shattered often. It works much like honduran mahogany although it is less dense.

So, no particular concerns with it. I had never heard of the red fading, although in direct sun, I can see that happening. The wood was in my shop for a couple years before use and there was no noticeable change in that time, but my shop is in my basement so, little sunlight.

Enjoy using it, and let us see what it looks like when done!

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Mike Cruz
09-01-2009, 8:48 AM
Never thought I would say this to a guy, but...nice rack, Mike!

Keith Christopher
09-02-2009, 12:47 AM
That is very nice canarywood. I have used bloodwood and padauk with it before and it really brings out the red streaks in the canarywood.


I was thinking Yellowheart or Jatoba. I have some of each so we'll see how it goes.
