View Full Version : Work Tunes Headset - Anyone use them?

Charles Wilson
08-29-2009, 3:36 PM
What is your general impression of them? I have an iPod Touch and would like something to listen to them with when mowing the lawn and working with machinery.


Chip Lindley
08-29-2009, 5:06 PM
Charles, I perfer to listen to my lifetime compilation of iPod tunes (40 gig) with ear protector/earphones unplugged! I find cords get seriously in the way in a shop. I use a car cradle which broadcasts the tunes to a vacant FM channel in the workshop. The worktunes music muffs really shine here! Not sure if the signal would reach to the far corners of your lawn or not. If not you can always plug in!

Don Bullock
08-29-2009, 7:55 PM
Mine works great with my iPod Shuffle.

Faust M. Ruggiero
08-29-2009, 8:10 PM
I always listen to music when mowing the yard. Between the diesel tractor engine in front and the whine of the motor for the grass catcher behind me I would go deaf without ear protection. I don't use the over the ear type head set because I find them to be hot and uncomfortable. I use a good set of plug in the ear type phones. They plug out the outside noise and replace it with Beethoven, Mozart or Led Zepplin.
I play music in the shop also but only cover my ears when running certain machinery, like a router or belt sander. I have been surprised by visitors and startled when I first notice them if my hearing is impaired. I suppose I depend on hearing the door open and close to know when someone has entered the shop. I wouldn't like to be running something through the table saw and get startled. I like all my senses about me while I work.

Dave Lehnert
08-29-2009, 9:28 PM
I use them to mow the lawn. I like them a lot. Would buy again.

Roger Reynolds
08-29-2009, 10:42 PM
+1 for Dave's comment

Jim Butterfield
08-29-2009, 10:48 PM
I got the Peltor version at a discount when they were offering them to Creekers. I use it for podcasts all the time in the shop. I keep the cord under my shirt so it doesn't get hung up in anything like, you know, a spinning mitre saw blade or something.

Steve knight
08-30-2009, 12:35 AM
I gave up on earmuffs. but I used to jsut run my earbud wires onder them. that works ok and if you damage the wire no big deal. this is a pretty cheap solution. but I got a pair of these and they are far more comfortable and work well. I much rather use these for 8 hours. my only complaint is forgetting to go back to earbuds at the end of the day.

Rob Price
08-30-2009, 3:40 PM
I put my ipod in my back pocket to keep wires out of the way, but I like the FM transmitter idea, I have one lying around. I don't think it would reach across my yard, but the shop should work.

They work great at noise reduction, I can't hear my Delta DC running with them on. Pretty comfy to wear for a long time as well.

I did notice Ryobi (Home Depot) has a pair of earmuffs that have active noise canceling and some electronic circuitry to still allow conversations and such. I'd at least look into them, a little more, but not much. I almost bought them as a second pair- one for the yard, one for the shop.

Joe Pack
08-30-2009, 3:41 PM
I use mine with my iPod when mowing the lawn and when working in my basement shop. With the DC running frequently, the WorkTunes lets me listen to music, or mostly books, without jacking up the volume on a stereo so loud my wife gets annoyed upstairs.

Remember that the WorkTunes is "on" whenever you plug the 3mm jack into the headset. If you don't remember to unplug from the headset, a pair of batteries won't last nearly as long. DAMHIKT.

My only objection to the WorkTunes is that the AM radio is directional, which makes for some weird looking head positions when I'm mowing the lawn! :-)

Larry Edgerton
08-31-2009, 7:06 PM
The very first day I ever tried using headphones the homeowner startled me when I was at the chopsaw making repetitive cuts, and I cut my index finger off. Will not allow them on my worksites or in my shop.

I do have a music system in my shop, but not on my head.

Others experiances may vary......

Karl Brogger
09-01-2009, 12:27 AM
Charles, I perfer to listen to my lifetime compilation of iPod tunes (40 gig) with ear protector/earphones unplugged! I find cords get seriously in the way in a shop. I use a car cradle which broadcasts the tunes to a vacant FM channel in the workshop. The worktunes music muffs really shine here! Not sure if the signal would reach to the far corners of your lawn or not. If not you can always plug in!

Tuck the cord through your shirt. That's what I do. I use a set of Sony earbuds that has one side that is longer and I run that across the back of my neck. Doesn't get caught on much or often. I also wear my iPod in a case clipped to my belt inbetween my tape holster and my Leatherman. Stays there pretty well. I'd really like to get a set of those custom fit ear plugs with the speakers.

I couldn't function without tunes at work.