View Full Version : Personal gloat

Greg Just
08-29-2009, 9:24 AM
I decided to give it a try again this year by submitting a couple of items into the Minnesota State Fair. I entered a turned poplar bowl, about 8 inches, filled with various kinds of wood eggs laying on top of some wood shavings. I took 4th place for this one. The other entry was in the birdhouse category where I placed 3rd. I took a piece of applewood, hollowed it out, turned a bottom and added a top out of some maple bark. The perch is a branch from a cherry tree. The pictures are not that good, but I was shooting through the glass display cases. When I get them back, I'll post some new pictures. This is my second year entering, first time I got a ribbon. I'm already thinking about next year.

Bernie Weishapl
08-29-2009, 9:41 AM
Congrats Greg. Those are some great looking pieces. Really like the birdhouse.

Steve Schlumpf
08-29-2009, 10:12 AM
Greg - Congrats on your winnings! Pretty cool stuff! Both items really fit in with the theme of State Fair! Nice work!

Eugene Wigley
08-30-2009, 12:05 AM
Congrats on the two wins. Those are both very nice. I like the bowl with the eggs best.

Rob Cunningham
08-30-2009, 8:56 AM
Way to go Greg. I really like the bowl with the eggs.

Skip Spaulding
08-30-2009, 9:41 PM
Good job Greg, they look great.