View Full Version : Update on my Nu Workbench

harry strasil
08-28-2009, 12:46 PM
After using it for 4 months I wouldn't change a thing. The numerous dog holes in the top along with the wedge cramping system really make things much easier when working on drawers and small carcases to keep them from moving around when planing or chiseling.

I use the old fashioned leg vise the most, with the Turtle Back coming in second and have only used the wagon vise once so far. The Apron gets lots of use with the holdfasts, and I removed the screws from the face vise and drilled the holes out and just use 1 1/8 dowels glued and wedged in place with a couple of holdfasts to put the squeeze on things. Its really quick and solid in use.

Terry Beadle
08-29-2009, 10:14 AM
It's always good when something youv'e thought through, worked hard at making, and then when the rubber hits the road...turns out perfect!

Many kadu's and many thanks for all your work bench postings.

I think you should have a "snuck a gloat" award in there some where but who's couting..hoot!