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View Full Version : 9/11 Take the time to,,,

Doug Jones
09-11-2004, 8:54 AM

Waymon Campbell
09-11-2004, 9:41 AM

Remember those first responders who went UP the tower stairs when everyone else was coming DOWN.

Remember those citizens who were trapped and never got out of the Towers.

Remember those citizens in the planes who lost their lives on this day.

Remember those in the Pentagon that were serving and made the ultimate sacrifice.

Remember the heroes of Flight 93, who stopped the terrorists and saved countless other lives by sacrificing theirs.

Remember the families and friends of those that lost their lives on this day.

Remember our armed forces men and women who put their lives on the line EVERY DAY for us.

Remember those in the Armed Forces who have given their last full measure of devotion to this country by giving their lives. Remember their families today.

Remember that our way of life is precious and worth paying for in the blood and treasure of our citizens.

Remember to support ALL those whose job it is to protect us, our way of life and our great country.

Remember that we can best honor those who have sacrificed much by living good, decent, productive lives. By doing these things we can continue to make this country the example that it is.


Chuck Wintle
09-11-2004, 9:43 AM
I wonder if Osama Bin Laden will ever be captured? Those images of 911 are forever burned in my memory. Who would have thought they would deliberately drive a plane into both towers.

Doug Jones
09-11-2004, 6:00 PM
Very fine touch,,,,nicely done.

Tim Morton
09-11-2004, 6:59 PM
Heres a link from the Red Sox page that I woke up to this morning...it made me think about all the people who lost there lives (and loved ones), and that they were ordinary folks flying in airplanes or working at a job. I also noticed that today here in vermont was exactly the kind of day it was three years ago...and as I was reading this link, my power went out...a few minutes before 9:11 this morning. :eek:
