View Full Version : Awesome Triple GLOAT!!!

Jack Diemer
09-10-2004, 10:17 PM
Gloat number 1.

Just received my new 6 piece Sorby Set from thebestthings.com. I decided to go straight to the good stuff knowing my tendencies to always want to upgrade. I may actually try my hand at turning a bowl this weekend. (remember, I have turned one thing in my life and that was with a whole bunch of coaching)

Gloat number 2

I recently sold a bunch of tools on the Sawmill board to help me justify this new 18V Ridgid 4 tool Combo Kit. (I have always wanted a cordless saw)

And finally Gloat number 3 (the best one)

My son Jake has had a pesky baby tooth super loose in his mouth for over a month. The big tooth was already in behind it, but it just would not come out. Anyway, the wife and I were on a date tonight, and we stopped at target to get some ambesol (numbing gel). Anyway, we put the stuff on, waited a minute, and I twisted that tooth as hard as I could........and it came out. He said OW!! for a split second, and then was so excited that he had to call every neighbor and relative we know. (Smiling from ear to ear)

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-10-2004, 10:33 PM
WOW, the rare TRIPLE GLOAT! :D Nice tools there Jack. The Ridgid Tool set is some NICE stuff, you are gonna have a ball with those toys.

Now, get that "Turnin' Iron" broke in right with a Bowl........or if you are going to the BBQ, bring them along.......I am sure we can help you use them! :D

But, the BEST gloat of all is Jake loosing that baby tooth. There is something "Macho" for a little guy loosing a tooth.............yep, it's a "Guy Thing". Nice Extraction Dad............and nary a tear was shed..........Jake is a trooper! :D Fine looking young man ya got there..............looks like a woodworker to me! ;)

Jim Ketron
09-10-2004, 10:38 PM
Congrats Jack!!

The turning bug is about to bite you!:D
Have fun!!

Dick Parr
09-10-2004, 11:41 PM
Way to go there Jack. Have fun!

Greg Tatum
09-11-2004, 12:23 AM
Nice aquisitions Jack....and what of the tooth? What is the going rate for those these days? :D


Jack Diemer
09-11-2004, 12:29 AM
I think its a buck a tooth these days, but the 1st one is special, so it gets a few extra bucks thrown in.

Greg Daves
09-11-2004, 1:06 AM
Always loved the triple gloat...and you pulled it off beautifully, except the Russian judge had to deduct points for the landing! :rolleyes:

Now get back to work on the bunk bed so when I start to build it you can help me through it.


Tyler Howell
09-11-2004, 8:33 AM
That's the Trifecta! Give us a report on the Rigid Stuff! How do you like the left handed Csaw??;)
Hey no inflation in the tooth fairy department. That's what she was paying in my day.

James Carmichael
09-11-2004, 8:48 AM
Congrats, Jack, I've really enjoyed my DeWalt 18v combo, though I'm not too crazy about the circular saw (I see they've fixed the ergonmics in the new one).

Now I hope the Tooth Fairy didn't blow his budget on tools!