View Full Version : Problem spraying Laquer.

08-27-2009, 12:46 AM
I'm spraying high gloss lacquer and not getting as much gloss as I think I should get. I'm thinning it 25% with thinner (i.e. 3 oz of lacquer and 1 oz of thinner) and sanding between coats.

Any ideas.


Fred Mc.

Phil Phelps
08-27-2009, 6:52 AM
I thin lacquer 50%. I've experienced some brands are not as glossy as others. Are you using a quality lacquer and reducer?

Scott Holmes
08-27-2009, 4:21 PM
I think the general rule of thumb is thinning as a percent of the volume when you start.

1 oz is 33% thinning of 3 oz.

1 oz is 25% thinning of 4 oz.
2 oz is 50% thinning of 4 oz.

Ed Peters
08-30-2009, 11:09 AM
Too much air, not enough fluid (nomal settings for novice to avoid runs and sags) will cause plenty of dry overspray. You want to lay on a good wet looking coat.
